12 Keanu Reeves Quotes That Make Life More Beautiful

Here’s a little teaser — “I dream of a life where I can walk down the street and hear people talk about morality, sustainability, and philosophy instead of the Kardashians”

Andy Murphy


Photo by Olivia Bauso on Unsplash

The world doesn’t need more noise. It doesn’t need more puffed-out chests, swinging dicks, or bulging biceps either. And Keanu Reeves knows it.

Fortunately, he’s cut from a different kind of cloth so underneath all the glitz and glamour is a simple man with simple needs.

He likes to keep things to himself too, often ducking out of the way of the spotlight whenever possible, contemplating the bigger mysteries of the universe, and not taking up too much space in life.

The great irony is that because he lives this way he often gets more attention because of it. His humility is contagious, especially given his stature.

So, let’s see what the man has to say for himself, shall we?

“The simple act of paying attention can take you a long way”

Or as Burgs once said:

“The chance to be part of this happens briefly. The invitation is…

