12 Tips for New Short Story Writers — How to Write a Short Story Today

Grab them by the throat and don’t let them go…

Ira Robinson


Photo and Text by Author

So, you want to be a short story writer, eh?

That’s laudable. I have written hundreds of short stories and published dozens. It can be a lot of fun, and I love being able to do the short concise stories that come with that kind of format, when compared to doing novels.

Novels take a lot of time and preparation to make them work, whereas a short story can be done in a… well... short period of time.

It’s not as long term of a commitment.

Most people who write novels think they can just put out a short story and be done with it, but find the process isn’t quite as easy as they might have thought when starting out.

Short story writing isn’t too difficult on the surface. After all, if you have a plot line or idea, it’s got to be simple to just jot it down and there’s your story.


Well, the problem is, short stories are a different sort of an animal in and of themselves. With novels, you have time to grow the characters, to feed in descriptiveness and paint the world with your purple prose.



Ira Robinson

Published author of over a dozen books and dozens of short stories, Digital painter, and streamer, and blind. Contact me at ira@originalworlds.com