12 Proven Ways To Improve Your Finances in 2024

Jennifer Thompson
Published in
6 min readDec 10, 2022


It’s a new year! It’s time to adopt new habits and increase your financial well-being.

Source: Canva

With high inflation and a rise in interest rates, commit to making 2023 the year to change your habits and improve your finances. January can be bleak; the holiday season is over, and many of us are left with a financial hangover. We’ve spent more than we can afford and are paying the price.

This scenario has possibly played out repeatedly in past years. It just may be time to break old habits and master your finances.

Here are 12 highly achievable financial habits to help you completely steer the ship to where you want to go — at least regarding your finances.

1. Set/Review Your 3, 5, and 10-year Financial Goals

Money is of value only because it helps us achieve our goals — providing food and shelter for our families, travelling to beautiful destinations, paying for our children’s education, or retiring comfortably.

If you’ve never set financial goals for yourself, now is the time to start. First, write an exhaustive list of all the goals you’d like to achieve in your lifetime but select three that are the most important for you now.

