
A simple formula for muscle growth

Nasar Karim


Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

Building muscle is simple when you know how. Most people don’t know-how. In this article, I’ll give you a simple formula that works every time. It’s a formula that has given me and my various training partners faster increases in strength and muscle size than most of the people in every gym I’ve trained in.

Notice that I said building muscle is simple. I didn’t say it’s easy. If you want to get as big and as strong as you can, you need to work hard. After a few months of exercise, if you’re doing it properly, you’ll be shocked by just how hard you can work.

I’m going to be careful with my words, because there is a lot of confusion in the fitness industry. The fitness industry thrives on confusion. Once people figure out how things work, they don’t need the fitness industry anymore.

I know a lot of people won’t read a full article, so I’m going to write this one backwards. That means you’ll get the formula for muscle growth first of all, then I’ll explain why it works. As with a new toy, you can take it out of the packaging and get started right away, or you can take some time to read the instructions, and ultimately you’ll probably get more from it.

The more you read, the more you’ll understand. But even if you only read a little, hopefully you’ll get something…



Nasar Karim

BSc Psychology. Author of Myshi Moo and the Frightening Face.