14 Psychological Tricks That Can Make Anyone Fall for You

Saleeha Som
Published in
6 min readOct 12, 2022
Photo by Pixabay:

At first, being the company’s soul may seem like an impossibility. We may believe that in order to be loved by those around us, we must possess some sort of inherent charm or talent. But in reality, we can easily practise being likeable by putting some effort, creativity, and improvisation into the process.

Even if you are a natural introvert, we’ve put up a list of techniques that will help you win people over. Please remember to save them!

1. Make them like you from the very beginning.

Make an attempt to build a warm and favourable rapport with others so they can have a unique impression of you. A genuine grin is always the best course of action in this situation. One emotion is insufficient, though. A special touch, such as a handshake, fast tap on the shoulder, or even a brief hug, is quite important.

The most crucial thing in this situation is to make an effort to sense the other person’s energy and mimic their body language with your own motions.

2. Engage them in talking about themselves.

You can take advantage of the fact that most individuals enjoy talking about themselves. Ask them about their interests, travel destinations they have been or hope to visit, weekend plans, and a variety of other topics. Avoid being overly secretive because doing so could make someone feel uneasy and they might even want to distance themselves from you.

Avoid asking closed questions with a straightforward “yes” or “no” response as well. Instead, ask “Why?” or “How? “; this offers the other person a great opportunity to expand on a chosen subject.

3. Put an emphasis on the similar traits you both share.

The “similarity-attraction effect” refers to the tendency we have to be drawn to those who are somewhat similar to us. Try to identify a commonality between you and the person you are speaking with. It might be a shared interest in food, music, or a sport that you both like to watch. After learning it, you should put it to use by telling the individual or asking them to the location where you can both engage in this activity. These small gestures may not seem significant, but they go a long way toward establishing a personal connection with others and enhancing their enjoyment of your company.

4. Compliment the things that people struggle with the most.

Some praises have the ability to evoke a wide variety of emotions in us. Simply praising someone’s smile or eye colour won’t have much of an impact on them; they’ll probably regard it as quite neutral. These items are obviously not theirs to own; they are simply a part of who they are. Here, it’s important to pay attention to the area where someone suffered the most and to compliment them on it.

Let’s imagine, for illustration, that you are aware that this person put in a lot of effort and that their idea was a tremendous success. Admiring their diligence and effort will instil a strong sense of satisfaction, resulting in their true happiness and even self-proudness.

5. Don’t forget to always be mindful of your body language.

Crossed arms and legs give the impression that we can’t be trusted and are hiding something, even if we are unaware of it. However challenging it may be for you, try to adopt a more flexible position. The greatest thing you can do is maintain a straight back, straight legs, and open hands with the palms facing other people. Having a laid-back and friendly demeanour can help other people feel more at ease around you, which will naturally result in their like you more.

6. Share the truth about your flaws.

When other individuals try to act perfect, some people can become very angry. Sharing your flaws and mistakes can help you come across as real and will make those around you feel more connected to you. However, be careful not to go overboard and talk about all your mistakes and negative experiences, since that would have the exact opposite impact.

7. Know how to ask for help.

It’s always preferable to make individuals feel as though you depend on them rather than asking them to just perform a task for you. It improves people’s self-esteem and deepens their admiration for you. Reddit user Doctor Philly

8. Be the first one to make a joke.

Make a lighthearted yet innocuous remark regarding the circumstance you’re in, the tasks you’re working on, etc., rather than waiting for someone to break the ice in the group. If you’ve known someone for a while, you might be able to make nice jokes about them now and then, but never make fun of who they are or make jokes about things they can’t change about themselves. You should be laughing alongside the person you are making fun of. Don’t forget to occasionally laugh at yourself as well.

9. Laugh at someone else’s jokes too.

Encourage others’ efforts to create a more welcoming environment. You can show support for the other person and let them know you’re paying attention by laughing along with them.

Even if someone tells a lousy joke, you can make it humorous by laughing heartily. By doing it this manner, you can convince others to support you and improve everyone’s mood. Never forget to laugh with them rather than at them.

10. To be interesting, act interested.

People tend to prefer talking over listening most of the time, and they only value attention from those who pay attention to them. Reiterating the words that the person you’re speaking to just said is one technique to come out as a thoughtful and attentive listener.

Use question tags, such as “I know, right?” as an illustration. Additionally, don’t forget to include uplifting phrases like “Exactly!” or “That’s right!” Another name for this method is “emotionally introspective response.”

11. Be a magnet for people around you and engage them.

Avoid blending in with the room’s ambiance and the other attendees. Try to be a person who is excited instead. Encourage others to engage in brief yet meaningful conversations or even longer ones.

Try to perform at a higher level and don’t worry about looking foolish. People will want to join in and follow you because of your contagious enthusiasm.

12. Surprise people when they don’t expect it.

People feel incredibly wonderful when they receive something nice from someone that they didn’t ask for. Don’t be afraid to surprise them with something you think they’ll like without first getting their permission. For instance, if you are at work and want to get a sandwich for yourself, you may also get another for your coworker. They’ll remember this unexpected gesture for a long time, and they’ll remember you as a warm and approachable person.

13. Make friends with other people’s friends.

For us, it’s important to have “similarities,” such as pals we have in common. Building trust with each of them can be greatly aided by making friends with their acquaintances. People feel more connected to one another when they share a few pals in common. Additionally, it’s an excellent approach to grow the social circle you are currently in.

14. Proper eye contact can help you.

Think about the other person’s eyes. It’s essential for making meaningful eye contact. The most pleasant duration of eye contact is the amount of time it takes to notice another person’s eye colour: it’s not too long and uncomfortable for your interlocutor, but just long enough for them to feel at ease with you.

Which tactics do you use to make people like you? Let’s share our secrets in the comment section!

