15 Foods That Can Help You Reduce Belly Fat

Published in
5 min readJul 17, 2021


“All Progress takes place outside the Comfort Zone.” — Michael John Bobak

Photo by Bill Oxford on Unsplash

Gaining weight is still believed to be one of the easiest things you can do but losing weight is way harder and especially losing belly fat. If I say you can lose your belly fat by eating as well obviously you will not believe me. But there are healthy foods that can also help you reduce your weight.

A bloated stomach not only degrades your personality but also makes you uncomfortable. Remember you are what you eat. Your fitness depends 80% on what you eat and 20% on your workout routine and workout intensity. The best way to get rid of a bloated belly is to take a balanced and low-calorie diet and practicing regular exercise.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that disrupts the normal functioning of other hormones. It causes imbalances that cause spikes in hunger, increasing your total calorie intake. It causes Insulin imbalance which makes our body deposit fat in the belly.

These 15 Superfoods will help you to get rid of belly fat.

1- Nuts

They slim your stomach by keeping it full, eating about 24 almonds a day will satisfy your hunger for longer. All kinds of nuts are considered…

