15 Happy, Love, and Relationship Life Lessons I Hope You Don’t Miss

They drastically improved the quality of my life when I finally embraced them.

Tonya S. Ware


Do you sometimes wish you knew then what you know now? It’s rewarding if you implement those aha, lightbulb moments. I’m guilty of gathering information and doing nothing with it. Had I embraced some of my epiphanies earlier in life, it wouldn’t have taken so long for me to discover love, happiness, and thriving relationships.

Valuable life lessons to grab along the road to happiness and stronger relationships

1. Opening your heart and risking love is worth risking rejection.

After all, getting rejected moves wrong people out of the way. The sooner you do that, the better. It makes room for one who’s right for you.

2. For what you desire to come to you, it must first come from you.

If you want love and respect, make loving and respecting others dominant in your heart. Make what you desire for them more potent than what you want from them.

3. Have a greater expectation for receiving what…



Tonya S. Ware

Live healthy, age well, laugh, and have fun. Let’s make it happen. tonyasware@gmail.com