15 Lessons From My First Year of Writing Online

I published 170 articles in my first year. This is what I’ve learned.

Chris Wojcik


Photo by Anete Lūsiņa on Unsplash

On November 4th, 2020, I published my first article on this platform. It was the first time I ever wrote and published anything. My palms were sweating as I clicked the “publish” button. I didn’t even enable monetization on the article because I didn’t think the article was worth anything.

I had no idea that that piece was going to be just the beginning of my online writing obsession.

In the last year, I’ve published more than 170 articles, nearly 100 answers on Quora, and dozens of other articles for my newsletter, LinkedIn page, and my clients.

I’m still a baby in the writing world, but these are the 15 lessons that have helped me the most.

Writing well cannot be done without writing a lot.

My first articles took weeks to craft, and no one read them. Now, I write an article in 30–45 minutes. The quality is better now, too.

“Writing a lot” includes publishing a lot.

If you don’t publish a lot, you’ll never get feedback for your ideas and your delivery. Practice in public, fail in public, get better in public.

