Are you a new writer?

15 Reasons Why 99% Of New WritersWill Never Make It (Ouch!)

And here’s how to be on the elite 1% bandwagon

Lipika Sahu
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2023


Photo by Pavel Danilyuk:

I love juicy introductions, I do. But I am skipping on this one.

Coz if you have clicked this story you want to QUICKLY know whether you are in the ‘CANNOTs’ mob or the elite ‘CANs’.

And I do not intend to stand between you and the checklist.

So, here we go:

1. They will think too much about every dot and dash — perfection. And in that pursuit, will have loads of drafts and crickets in the publishing room.

2. They will ‘invest’ eons of time deciding their niche. Rather than writing their way to the niche.

3. They want their work to sound like that of successful writers. From the word go. Forgetting the fact that it took much time for them to get there.

4. They will consume each and everything about writing that is there. Stuff too much into themselves and then gasp for air — ultimately, lost and confused.

5. Their ego will be heavily bruised with the first rejection. So bad that they will never hit ‘submit’ again.

