17% of Men Have This Fetish

You’ll be surprised to find out what it is



Photo by Artem Labunsky on Unsplash

Oh no, more than 17% of men have this fetish and don’t want to tell you. But that’s okay — After all, today I’m going to reveal what they’ve been hiding from you, faithful companions, all this time.

Do you want to know what fetish this is? So check out the next lines, because this is surreal!

But first, let me give you a little spoiler: this became fashionable a few years ago. It became very famous on the internet and ended up creating more enthusiasts on the subject — Do you already know what fetish I’m talking about? If your answer was “foot fetish,” you’re right.

That’s right, a recent study showed that approximately 17% of men have some type of foot fetish. And I'll tell you more — Apparently, there are different approaches to the same fetish for different types of people. Fun, right? Lol.

For example, some people see foot fetishes from the point of view of humiliation. Yes, that’s right — Apparently, some people like and are horny about feeling inferior to their partners, and for them, having this woman’s feet under their body is like some kind of power play. And they love it.

But some see this fetish from the point of view of dominance. For them, feet are like a flower arrangement made…

