1968 Protests: A Time Capsule of Political Influence

Andrea Fazio
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2024


Step back in time to 1968, a year etched in history for its wave of protests that rippled across Europe. What seemed like a moment of rebellion among the youth then is now revealing itself as a crucial factor shaping today’s political landscape. A recent study dives into the echoes of 1968, uncovering how those protests left an enduring mark on our political beliefs and, more interestingly, our voting patterns.

Photo by Harrison Moore on Unsplash

The Spirit of ‘68
1968 wasn’t just a year; it was a cultural and political watershed. Young people, disillusioned with the status quo, took to the streets, expressing dissatisfaction and distrust towards the existing political order. Fast forward to today, and we’re realizing that those who were young adults during that pivotal year carry a unique political legacy.

Formative Years and Lasting Impact
The study builds on the “impressionable years hypothesis,” suggesting that our political leanings take root during our late teens and early twenties. Imagine the events of 1968 serving as a political compass, guiding the beliefs of individuals who lived through that era.

Linking Dissatisfaction to Today’s Politics
What’s truly captivating is that exposure to the protests in 1968 correlates with higher dissatisfaction with current governments and an…



Andrea Fazio

I am a Junior Assistant Professor at University of Rome Tor Vergata. Here I mostly write about my research or research that I like.