
2.22.2022: The 6-9 Palindrome Day Is Important To Prepare For

Spiritualists on the ascension path do NOT want to miss this one!

Infiniti 🦋


As I write this, it is exactly 40 days until 2.22.2022, a very significant date for us.

Most people will see this as some cool number thing and move on with their lives, however, for some of us, this is a big deal.

But I didn’t even know how big this is until I have channeled all the information beginning last weekend.

If you consider yourself on the spiritual awakening path, then chances are that you are into astrology, and following celestial cycles such as our lunar cycle monthly.

You probably know when Full Moon’s and New Moon’s happen, when eclipses, Equinox’s and Solstices are.

Maybe you know about and work with the monthly Stargate’s, or at least the popular one’s like The Lion’s Gate on 8.8 every year, or 11.11-The Pillars of Creation Stargate.

If that’s the case, then the significance of 2.2.2022, and all that it brings, will be fascinating to you, and I hope you follow the guidance to prepare and work on that day in a very intentional way–whether it’s through me and my guidance and connections or on your own.

Perhaps you’ll even be inspired to join me on 2.22.2022?

Photo by Tadej Skofic on Unsplash

Hints Of A Big Day

I’ve been getting rapid psychic messages via my Guides & Guardians, Merlin specifically, for a few months now–pointing to 2.22.2022.

What do I mean by that?

Well, as I’ve been focusing on other days, or having conversations about certain specific things, I get a flash about that day-and a feeling hits me of BIGNESS.

However, it wasn’t until a few days ago that I got a massive download, and all of my attention was taken to this magical date.

I’m being guided to facilitate a gathering of Souls for this date and to prepare for this date between now and then.

What we are being guided to do for this date is unlike anything else that I’ve experienced, and that in itself is to be noted.

Photo by Jeremy Bezanger on Unsplash

Important Information About 2.22.2022


In numerology, this date reduces down to a 3.




Via Joanne Sacred Scribes

Number 3 carries the vibrations of communication and self-expression, adventure, inspiration and creativity, humor, optimism and joy, spontaneity and enthusiasm. Number 3 also symbolizes the principle of increase and growth, expansion, and abundance on the mental, emotional, financial and spiritual levels.

Number 3 is the number of manifesting and manifestation and carries the vibration of the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others and assist with manifesting your desires. They are helping you find peace, clarity, and love within.

Angel Number 3 is an indication that your angels are trying to get your attention. The angels and Ascended Masters want you to follow your intuition and inner-wisdom so that you are able to take appropriate action/s at this time. Use your creative skills and abilities to manifest your desires and enhance your life and that of others. The angels encourage you to follow your life path and soul mission with optimism and enthusiasm.

When Angel Number 3 appears, it suggests that your prayers and positive affirmations have been heard and are being responded to by the Universal Energies. Have faith that your goals and desires will manifest in your life at the Divine right time. Trust your personal skills and talents and the love and support from the angels.

Angel Number 3 encourages you to be communicative and social with others and to live your life with joy, optimism, and spontaneity.

For more information about number 3 see: NUMEROLOGY — Number 3


Imagine this! Thanks to our New Moon on 1.31.2022, we have our Last Quarter Moon, Day 22 of The Lunar Cycle on 2.22.2022. That’s definitely not a coincidence and tapping back into the New Moon to start off the year, as well as the previous, (2 New Moons) Lunar Eclipse, and the 11.11.2021 Stargate.

Merlin pointed to all of these dates in a row leading up to 2.22.2022 and the days through the end of February.

Moon In Scorpio, A Water Sign Day:

Intuitive, creative, emotional. Great for slowing down, going deep, feeling and healing, snuggling, creative projects, meditation and spiritual practices.

Transformative, shadowy, intense, powerful, deep, healing.

Symbols: Ganesh & Wisdom

Day 22 of the lunar cycle, characteristics:

Day of education, knowledge, and wisdom. A day for books, archives, information. A day of symbols, magic, secret knowledge, as well as new ideas and original, new solutions.

Photo by KARTIK GADA on Unsplash

The 69 Palindrome Portal

A palindrome is a series of numbers or letters in a word that are the same forward and backward.

The palindrome of 2.22.2022, the 2nd of 9 consecutive palindromes dates consisting of the same number, repeated 6 times, ending the month of February, 2022, creating a 9-day portal. The numbers are ascending from 0–8 ending 9 days, the month, multiplying the 2 energy for those 9 days.

  • February 20, 2022 (2–20–22)
  • February 21, 2022 (2–21–22)
  • February 22, 2022 (2–22–22)
  • February 23, 2022 (2–23–22)
  • February 24, 2022 (2–24–22)
  • February 25, 2022 (2–25–22)
  • February 26, 2022 (2–26–22)
  • February 27, 2022 (2–27–22)
  • February 28, 2022 (2–28–22)

This extremely potent and important stretch of days is a 9-day Portal of Ascension, multiplying the Light Gates that will be created..

9 is The Lightworker’s Number, lightworkers are known as The 9’s.

Merlin will specifically upgrade those on the ascension path who are tuned into The Upper Worlds/Dimensions.

Merlin will discuss the significance of this portal in the seminar.

The next time there is a 9-day Palindrome Portal consisting of the same 6 numbers will be on 3.30.3333, in 1,311 years.

The 9/6 combination is significant because of the Divine Feminine/Divine Masculine vortex of energies it creates in the toroidal field of the heart center/Heart Chakra to help anchor and balance the energy flow and stimulate healing of both internal Soul Aspects.

These significant numerical happenings along with the Moon and other planetary placements make this a significant day to honor yourself and your Universal and Personal destinies and Soul’s Evolution and connect in whatever way you are being guided.

Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

The Following Information Is About The 2.22.2022 Event & The REPLAY

I am facilitating an on-line via Zoom event on 2.22.2022. Sign up:

The 2.22.2022 Portal of Ascension Creation with Merlin: Divine Union, Divine Feminine & Masculine Activations-9 Day Portal

12–4 PM PST
Sign up begins on 1.20.2022 on The Healing Butterfly.org (subscribe today)
$333 or a Minimum Donation of $44
Sign-up ends on 2.12.2020

Upon signing up, you’ll receive a printable PDF: Your Storybook for 2.22.2022 details below.

Replays of the entire event is $33, and will be available for download after 1 PM PST on 2.23.2022 on thehealingbutterly.org

Please follow this link to sign up for the replay and receive your Storybook NOW!

You can always upgrade to the LIVE EVENT if it turns out you can join the gathering.

Supplies Needed:

  1. Crystals, any size new or old
  2. Crystal Beads, 4–8mm in size or about that size. Gather any type of crystals that you are guided to and want to incorporate into your Portal/Light Gate.
  3. Paper: minimum size: 8.5x11-no larger than 20x20, water color paint set with metallic colors
  4. Candles for the event day

More specific information about supplies and what to do with them will be given to those who sign up.

NOTE: It is highly advised that you take the day off the following day, so you can integrate with the incoming energies without having to leave the house or do anything social.

Photo by Fakurian Design on Unsplash

This Is Bigger Than Big

Unlike any other Stargate, Portal, or important date that we’ve experienced, we are being guided to prepare and create an actual Portal/Light Gate in our living space that will remain in place, and open.

If you are drawn to be intentional about this day and to do this work, then you have reached a level of healing, connection, and ascension that is in alignment with rapid evolution from this point forward.

You have done work on yourself, cleared and healed energies, made major changes in your life, you have spiritual connections that you are constantly working with. You take care of yourself and do the work that you need to do to maintain your energy and your space. Furthermore, you follow the current cosmic weather and ride the waves of light fully awake, and knowing you are raising in consciousness.

Now you’re ready to step up to a new level that will propel you into the future and align you with your Destinies, Soul Family, and Soul Missions, anchoring and activating the timelines and Stargates for 2022… Congratulations.

Upon registering, for the event, you’ll be receiving periodic channeled messages, including affirmations via email to help you to release lower level energies and raise and maintain your vibration through the rest of January and through February until 2.22.2022.

Wizard Man Merlin” Digital Art By Infiniti

1.10.2022: Channeling Merlin Regarding 2.22.2022

Merlin Speaks

“The portal that will be constructed on 2.22.2022 will be one that signifies Divine Union & Falling In Love for everyone, regardless of current relationship status.

For those in a relationship, the portal will increase the love and activate Souls to explore the world and each other in deeper ways, being more vulnerable and intimate. Effectively creating more Life Force, more power for the individual and the couple.

For those who are single, the portal will act as a doorway to your beloved. It will allow them to feel your pure-light Soul Song so clearly that it shakes them to a new level of consciousness. And it signals, finally, the time to begin the last steps to reclaim your Soul Love and Divine Karmic Union.

The energies empowering this portal are gathering now, within & without the individual and the collective.

This portal is also a beacon to friends/partners of Soul Family who are meant to connect with you. This would include any people you are to help through your businesses, essentially boosting your abundance, wealth, and manifestation power.

Whether brief or long-term relationships, this portal, and activation on 2.22.2022 is about manifesting the people, tools, experiences into your future that is in alignment with your Universal & Personal Destinies.

Love is at the center & heart of creation to you and everyone and everything you have connected to. Creating this portal on this day will create a funnel, a vortex of energy-pulling down & anchoring into your material world, The Middle World, The Divine Portal connected to The Pillars of Creation & into GAIA & The Abundance Matrix.

This vortex of energy is to remain OPEN. Only those who can maintain their vibration and are actively working on their ascension may create and hold these gates open. They will act like incoming lanes on supernatural, divine light energy, info, and directives for the collective.

Gate-Keepers will have many types of responsibilities for themselves, they will be guided to attune to what will be part of their destinies. This may involve only themselves or others as well.

Being conscious of the portal, initial activation, and how this is the mid-point in the timeline to the past & the future. This is the time to work on creating the energies for what will be created in the future.

The IDEAS of the great invention of the New EARTH-Elevated GAIA, come through these portals and create the future.

“The Anchors” Gather & Unite the Light through the 2.22.2022 Portal, and beyond.

Preparation begins henceforth. Collect all the information and notify The Warriors of Light.

The True breaking away from The False begins now. So be it & so it is.

End Transmission.”

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

AGENDA-Tuesday, 2.22.2022

  • Portal/Light Gate Creation via Light-Activated Artwork, Energy & Crystal Activations, instructed by Merlin
  • Channeling Merlin, GAIA, The Archangels & More
  • Astral, Guided, Channeled Meditation: Portal Activation & Crystal Alchemy lead by Merlin
  • Merlin Info & Advice:
  • Merlin-Specific Spirit Animals
  • Merlin-Specific Number Codes
  • Merlin & Crystals, Specifically Amethyst
  • Energy Healing with Merlin & Your Crystals
  • Energy, Manifestation & Alchemy
  • Archangels, Dragons & The Fae
  • Meditation & Magic

Creating your Portal/Light Gate

The creation of your gate will take place with energy & crystal work along with creating artwork.

The artwork will begin to be created via instructions sent to you on 2.12.2022, and your instructions for creating your artwork should be completed by 2.22.2022 when we gather.

We will add components to the art, via Merlin’s instructions, when we are LIVE in the Group.

Your artwork will be part of the anchoring system and process in creating and maintaining your gate from this point forward.

Photo by Marc Sendra Martorell on Unsplash

Working With Your Portal/Light Gate

You will be Quantum Leaping through your personal Portal/Gate, which is mostly activated by your own Divine Light and amplified by Infiniti, Merlin, The Archangels, and GAIA, and the collective work we will be guided to do at that time.

The Quantum Leap will be assisting us in a multitude of ways physically, energetically, spiritually and with our healing, and connecting to or dissolving timelines, as well as activating and integrating higher-level LIGHT CODES for DNA activation and Divine Feminine and Masculine Aspects.

It will help us connect to our creational abilities, our Soul Family, and so much more. More information on that, and more in the channeling below.

As soon as you sign up, you’ll receive a printable PDF:

“My 2.22.2022 Storybook-Preparing, Creating & Activating My Portal”

This PDF will be for your personal use, and not something we will be reviewing. It is up to you to take the work seriously to get the most out of this time leading up to 2.22.2022.

This PDF will include:

Prework to help you declutter, mind, body, spirit, and space. It will guide you through setting your space for the PORTAL you will be creating on 2.22.2022.

NOTE: The sooner you sign up, the sooner you can be following the PDF instructions and working on your space, and connecting with the interdimensional spaces/realms to anchor in your portal.

The instructions will go over the following:

  1. Get energetically, physically, and spiritually strong via clearing energy in and around you. Preparing to command the energies of 2.22.2022 & creating The Portal that day. You will answer questions and follow instructions.
  2. Instructions on working until then to create a channel of energy to the appropriate places on all levels and dimensions within and without. Helping you to tap in deeper with your divine connections-Guardian Angel, Archangels, Merlin, The Fae, Unicorns, The Mer, The Galactics, and GAIA.
  3. Guidance on releasing people and programming that blocks Divine connections and guidance, wisdom, and direction.
  4. Take inventory of your status with relationships and love, vulnerability, being honest with yourself and others, and being open-minded.
  5. Cord-Cutting & forgiveness where possible, ASAP.

Your PDF will have sections to fill in notes as we go through the event.

Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash

About Merlin

The Ascended Master, Wizard and Great Teacher, Merlin will be joining us, and Channeled by Infiniti in the 2.22.2022 gathering to provide information about himself and how to work with him.

Infiniti has been working closely with Merlin for over 2 years personally, publicly, live on YouTube, and privately with her clients. She considers him one of her closest Guides & Guardians.

Merlin is known to assist those who work with him in the following areas:

Alchemy, crystals, Divine magic, prophecy, foresight, manifestation, divination, seeing through the darkness, energy work, healing, shape-shifting, and time-warping, working with Galactic Portals, connecting to other realms, and Light Beings.

The 2.22.2022 Portal for Divine Wisdom & Guidance opens & Lightcodes will be entering the atmosphere of GAIA, grounding in her crystalline Abundance Matrix and our energy fields.

On this day, the body will be activating & restructuring with the Light codes for greater awareness, divine connections, and Soul Integration.

Merlin will be working with us directly on this day for maximum potential clearing, grounding, balance, activations, and guidance towards deeper truth-seeking and healing.

The Oracle Messages About 2.22.2022

On Monday, 1.10.2022 I was guided to work with my Guides via Channeling The Oracle. I received a lot of information about what’s going on and how we are to prepare from this point forward.

The Unicorn, Mermaid Oracle & Crystal Medicine Oracles

6-New Opportunities

37-Spiritual Warrior

38-Unicorn Portal


20-Falling In Love


In the next couple of days, I will be publishing a separate article to go into the messages of the cards and my supplemental channeling from Merlin that accompanied them.

Photo by Bryan Goff on Unsplash

The Count-Down

I have already begun working with Merlin, and the rest of our Guides to create a funnel of energy, to begin anchoring in my Light Gate as the facilitator of this gathering and work, and I will continue to do so.

If any further transmissions or instructions come through for the collective, I will share it here-otherwise, I will be sharing information directly with those who have signed up for the event.

No matter if you are guided to join us through this process on 2.22.2022, I hope that you tap into this information and energies and do whatever it is that you are guided to do for yourself to maximize this once-in-a-lifetime event.

Photo of Infiniti

About Infiniti

I am Infiniti, Incarnate for The Divine Archangel Gabriel, as such, I am a Channel and Vessel for Mother Earth GAIA, all The Archangels, Ascended Masters, Dragons, Fae, Unicorn, Mer, Galactics, and Spirit Animals.

Together, we, The High Council, heal, guide and enlighten humanity to The Truth of how spirituality connected and infinitely powerful you are.

As your Real-Deal “Faerie Godmother”, I am always incarnated and divinely guided to work with those of you that find me again through this multidimensional, magical, sacred connection here, in this timeline.

We are SOUL FAMILY — Empaths, Lightworkers, Earth Angels and Starseeds– meant to magnetize and reunite.

My purpose for being is to guide and work directly with those of you who are ready to EVOLVE.

Read all about me, my magical & miraculous story of healing, and what I have to offer at ArchangelsLove.com

The Healing Butterfly.org an open treasure chest of FREE informational resources, including free e-books, and my art.

Social Media : VERO @ Infiniti_963



Infiniti 🦋

Guiding Souls to The Truth of the magic & power that lives inside of them. Divine Incarnate. Healer. Messenger. https://infiniteempathtransfigurations.com