2 Easy Questions To Ask To See If A Job Offer Can Be STRETCHED.

Sheila Musgrove
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2021


But, not too far — you don’t want to have it smack you in the head.

You’ve made it. Your resume managed to filter to the top of the pile. The hiring manager liked what they saw, so they called you. You got a passing grade on the initial phone interview. And, then you went through one or two or more interviews. All with flying colors. Phew!

You provided your references. And, they were golden. Everything is done.

You’re excited. You like the company, the manager, and the role. Maybe you’ve even met the team. That’s a thumbs up too!

They like you. They want you.

The long-awaited job offer finally arrives — but the offer falls short.

You don’t want to offend the company, but you know you can’t accept the offer either.

Here are 2 safe questions to ask to see if the job offer can be STRETCHED just a wee bit further:

1. Is the offer firm?

2. Do we have any room to move?

Ask the questions with confidence. And, wait for the answer.

Of course, along with salary, there are lots of other things to consider:



Sheila Musgrove

Best-selling author, “Hired! How To Get The Zippy Gig.” & “Unexpected Mentors.” I write about recruitment, with a twist & a dose of humor. sheilamusgrove.com