2 Top Reasons You Think You’re Not Making Progress

Real Reasons You Feel You’re Not Making Progress

Nnamdi Samuel
4 min readNov 3, 2023


Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash

It only seems you’re not moving, but indeed, you are!

We often find ourselves hindered by certain factors that create the sensation of stagnation. We work as much as we do, and sometimes we bring the journey to an end as a result of this sensation.

Trust me, if you pay attention closely, you’ll notice you have made moves. It may not be as fast as desired, but the fact remains that you have been in motion.

I come from a non-technical background. My parents had no clue what the world of technology was like. They didn’t pay attention to how necessary it was for us (the kids) to have the basics, at least, of the IT space.

Our neighborhood was nothing to write home about, as every other kid was just like us.

To make things worse, the school we were enrolled in didn’t take computer studies seriously.

This affected me and my siblings so badly that we had difficulties operating our phones when we were privileged to have them.

Down the line, I got into the university and met people from diverse cultures and homes. I saw how some were even working and earning a lot in the tech space.

I became curious and wanted to know more about it.

Fortunately, I was told how they went about it and how long they had been in the system. They also mentioned how they had been familiar with the whole tech thing since their childhood days.

I simply felt it wasn’t something I couldn’t do. I felt it was already late and that there would be no hope of venturing into the space of technology.

At the end of my fourth year at the university, I crossed my heart to change the story.

I got my first computer and was determined to venture into a niche in the tech space.

I began by learning how to type correctly, then I took some courses to help me understand certain concepts. I kept at it and was consistent.

Each time I saw my friends display their expertise, I suddenly felt like I’d not gone anywhere. I made complaints to my friends. I felt like nothing was happening to me, but I got it all wrong!

As time went by, I ventured into data analysis and then into data engineering. I learned the various tools and programming languages involved.

Throughout the stages of my growth, I was oblivious to my growth and how fast it had been all along until three years later.

Making comparisons to who I used to be, I reflected on how far I’ve come and how fast the whole process has been, and I realized I had been growing.

Here’s the thing: you have been making progress, but these two factors have been making you feel otherwise. You may stop your journey halfway if you allow this to get into you.

Inappropriate comparisons

Imagine a toddler making comparisons with an adult and making complaints that they don’t walk as fast as the adults. It simply doesn’t work that way!

Oftentimes, we fix our gaze on people who have long been on the path on which we thread and make comparisons, forgetting that it also took them time to get to where they currently are.

As you travel through your journey, let go of unnecessary comparisons, as they can be unhealthy. If you should make comparisons, then it should be with who you were yesterday.

When you make the assessments and notice the change, it keeps you motivated to keep going.

One mistake I made was making constant comparisons with my peers, who had long been on the path. I just wanted to jump into being who they were, not realizing that they began during their childhood days. I felt I wasn’t growing, but I was far from the truth. It somehow discouraged me, slowed me down a little, and somehow affected my growth.

Get rid of anxiety

Think about the last time you achieved something great when you were uneasy, worried, and not relaxed.

For me, at least, there has never been such a time!

In this case, you want to be at the end of the road faster than you should. This can stem from being impatient.

Well, I understand we have goals at heart when we embark on the journey of a new adventure and, in some cases, have time bounds.

The truth is, you cannot be at your best when anxious, and in this case, you won’t pay attention to your growth and appreciate yourself for how smart you have been.

One honest way to go about this is to be relaxed and get off the worries. Run at your pace and give the process time.

Find the root cause of this uneasiness and think of ways to tackle it.

This way, you’ll be calm and relaxed. You’ll pay attention to your growth and appreciate the process.

Wrap up

It is crucial to recognize that progress occurs in subtle, non-linear ways.

While the journey to personal growth and achievement can sometimes feel like a slow and winding path, the important thing is that you’re moving forward, no matter how small the steps may seem.

Remember that even the tiniest of efforts and the smallest victories are building blocks for your success.

Get rid of uneasiness and make healthy comparisons.

You got this!

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Nnamdi Samuel

Lifelong learner || Productivity Enthusiast || Engineer