2 Useful Tips To Improve Relationships From A Male Perspective

Men should write more about how they must change their behaviours towards their spouses. I delve deeper into why we (as men) have these behavioural traits and methods I use to create a step-change in enhancing my relationships.

Kumayl Walji MSc


Photo by Heather Villagran on Unsplash

Spouses can be difficult at times but is this due to how we perceive the situation or rather different ways of looking at a situation. In my opinion, I feel that it is how we perceive the situation. Intolerance must be worked on and we must transition our mindset to focus on positivity, rather than negativity.

In the past couple of years, I have made leaps and bounds in terms of changing my behaviours. Going through hardship always develops you faster and enhances your resilience to the curve balls that life can throw at you. Pre pandemic, I was in my late 20’s. Looking back over this time, I was always looking for short team goals and my relationships were not quite where I wanted them to be. While in the pandemic, I met someone and I have become more strategic in thinking about long-term goals with the person. Now that I have moved into my 30s, I think more about responsibility as well as giving, rather than taking. Giving teaches us to be…



Kumayl Walji MSc

Traveller | Civil Engineer | Tennis Junkie. Sharing my experiences with the 🌍