20+ Reasons I’m Grateful I Grew Up as a 1980’s Gen-X Teen

#22: We actually talked on our phones and liked when someone called us

David W Litwin
Published in
4 min readMar 9, 2024


image created by the author in Midjourney

Do you believe the mantra, “the more things change, the more things stay the same?”

I no longer do.

I’ll show you a few reasons why.

Sometimes, like a frog that remains comfortable in boiling water, we don’t really “see” the changes encircling us. We are bombarded with so many sensations and technologies that we fail to recognize that the heat’s been turned up.

Reverting to classic movies like The Breakfast Club, or Sixteen Candles, we catch a glimpse of a past now long gone.

It’s a brief, entertaining snapshot, not a true cultural shift gauge.

I thought I would juxtapose a few of the differences between the teenager years of the 1980’s and today, revealing why many of us were lucky to have grown up in the John Hughes, Swatch Watch, and MTV high school era. Below are twenty-plus reasons that reveal what a “long, strange (and quick) trip it’s been,” and how far we’ve “evolved” in thirty years.

Growing up as a Gen-X Teenager…

  1. We used our “social networks” to coordinate weekend parties, not riots or mass looting events.

