20 Things You Didn’t Know About CERN

Wow, your friends with some super interesting facts about CERN, like if you had actually been there

Cristovao Cordeiro


CERN detector

I had the pleasure of working at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) for over 4 years.

It is one of the coolest and most diverse working environments I’ve ever seen, with plenty of young people and outside work activities. Sitting on top of the border between France and east Switzerland, you’ll find its two large sites where a few thousands of people work every day.

During my time over there I’ve trained and became an official CERN guide, giving tours to the public. If you’ve ever had the chance to go in one of these visits, you have probably noticed that the guides try their best to steer away from the “boring” in-depth science details and instead keep the explanations as generic and down to earth as possible, throwing out some cool facts meant to knock your socks off 😎

So in this article, I’ll write down some of the cool facts I used to share during my tours, most taken directly from the official LHC Guide.

Did you know…?

  1. CERN has its own Fire Brigade 🚒
  2. CERN’s LHC (Large Hadron Collider) is the largest machine in the world, with 27 km in



Cristovao Cordeiro

I'm an Engineering Manager @Canonical. Container expert and ex-CERN engineer, with 10+ years of experience on Cloud and Edge computing.