20 Tips That Will Help In A Successful Startup

What to do and avoid before commencing a startup



Tips for Imagination ➡️ Execution ➡️ Success

A dream catcher filters the negative energy and passes the positive energy or vibes.
Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

A dream catcher filters the negative energy and passes the positive energy or vibes. I don’t know how much it is correct, but I find them cute, and they are my stress buster. When I look at my dream catcher, it gives me an enormous amount of positive vibes.

A successful startup doesn’t start with an IDEA. It starts with the REAL PROBLEM.

Many individuals have a dream to set up their own startup company, but only some of them can launch it. Out of that, some, just a few, turns into a successful entrepreneur.

Most people believe that the specific business generates more revenue. They prefer entering that business, despite knowing much about the product and its audience.

Ask yourself the below questions:

* Do you have a passion for the business?

* Do you have an interest in the product which you want to launch?

* Do you have knowledge about the product?

* Do you have knowledge about the targeted audience?




Glorious Mess | Dreamer | Believer | Motivator