2019 Set Me Free

I am the courage that I seek in others- Gurpreet Dhariwal

Gurpreet Dhariwal
Fighting Against Domestic Violence
5 min readMay 7, 2020



When I entered 2019, I was sure about what I didn’t want in terms of relationships and fake friendships. I started reading like a pro and I ended up completing 42 books. I read a lot in January 2019 as I was living alone and my parents were in New Zealand. They came back in February 2019 and I moved back with them for a week to help them in settling back into the usual normal routine.

Once I went back I became more focused and productive. I cooked for myself, I did household chores, I worked out, I watched movies, and most importantly I made myself strong by running. I am someone who doesn’t come from an athletic background but my pain made me one. I rejoice running now. I can go on without human beings by my side but running is something that makes me feel alive.

This was the time to reconsider some of the choices I made in the past. I stopped writing emails to my best friend as he didn’t pay any heed to my voice and emails. I got the point. I wasn’t a good friend to him. I last wrote to him in December 2018 and kept a copy of it on my laptop. The reason I did that was because writing to him from time to time healed me. I wanted someone to hear me out. That was not possible as he closed all doors for me but still, I wrote to him to heal



Gurpreet Dhariwal
Fighting Against Domestic Violence

Author of Four books. Domestic Violence Survivor, Domestic Violence Advocate @BTSADV, Sketcher, Dog Lover, Poet. www.gurpreetdhariwal.com/