21 And Still Single? Try These Dating Tips.

If you are 21 and want to go on date but cannot manage to get one, then these tips will help you master the game.

Akshay Yadav
5 min readOct 18, 2022


Photo by Mindy Sabiston on Unsplash

Doesn’t matter if you are an introvert or an extrovert, actually, it does matter too but not very much.

If you are an introvert then dating might help in improving your overall personality.

Since you would be approaching and talking to unknown people of the opposite sex.

This will boost your self-confidence and make you feel more uplifted. Dating is not hard, but it requires the non-cognitive efforts of your brain.

The more involved in different activities you are the easier it will be for you to date.

To find a date and improve your sex and social life, you will have to make efforts, you will have to be first.

You won’t get anything if you won’t ask for it.

It Starts with Improving your Life

Dating is nothing but another form of socializing with the opposite sex and with the main focus on finding a life partner.

Dating gets easier when your life is easy.

But how can you make your life easy, as these days you won’t find anyone who says his life is awesome.

It starts with gaining confidence and becoming more masculine.

Why would someone want you if you are not good at anything? Increase your sexual value through hitting the gym, dressing well & hygienic clothes, and well grooming.

You can then move to the non-cognitive characteristics of your mind such as confidence, charisma, composure, and intellect.

Play sports, it is best to become more masculine and exert dominance.

Women love dominance, because it’s a game of polarity, the better you in maintaining the strong opposite charge to those of the opposite sex.

The more attracted you would be to girls.

Read and meditate

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

Reading will give you stories to tell and meditation will give you the calmness to tell the stories with confidence.

Never shatter while talking to a girl, treat any girl like a normal human being.

The more nervous you will feel, the more power she’ll have over you and a woman doesn’t want to have the power over a man she loves.

Never be a needy guy who craves for girl’s attention. Be the guy who doesn’t care about anything except his mission.

The Art of Approaching a Girl

Being an introvert won’t get you laid. So first you will need to learn is to get out and meet people.

If you are in college, then increase your network by meeting different guys.

Go to clubs and try to get to know the people through your friends.

Keep doing this until you find someone you want to date.

When you have a target in mind, the next thing you should do is to approach her within 3 seconds of the thought of approaching her.

When approaching her, don’t try to make her feel uncomfortable. This is very important.

Try to ping her with something that makes her want to talk to you.

Don’t throw question after question, you are having a conversation not taking an interview.

Remember in mind that a female brain is always looking for novelty and amusement.

Try to give her a rush of emotion.

Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

For example, suppose you are in a coffees shop and

You: “Hey, I’m sorry to bother you, but this is my first time trying inverted cappuccino, do you think it’s a good choice?”

Her: “I haven’t tried it too but the name suggests it must be something opposite to cappuccino, so no idea.”

You: “Hmmm, I see, by the way, I’m “your name”, nice to meet you.

Her: “I’m “her name” nice to meet you too.”

You: “You seem like a cool person, are you free this weekend, she should probably try this inverted cappuccino together.”

Her: “Yeah, cool idea.”

You: “Type your number then.” (by handing her over your phone)

What did you understand from the above conversation example?

She may give you the number and she might not, but you should learn how to keep a conversation going.

The basic algorithm to keep a conversation going is :


This simple technique will keep the conversation going and give you better opportunities to ask for her number.

Ask for her number when you are still having the conversation, you don’t know her plans for the day so you won’t be wanting to waste her time.

You must be the first to leave the conversation this will show your non-neediness and give her the impression that you have a life outside of sex and dating.

Take her number the moment you see the opportunity, if you leave it, you will have to wait.

Waiting outside a relationship is not a good idea.

You won’t want to waste your precious time if she says she’s not interested, so never bother her again.

Rejection from a woman won’t kill, there are billions in the world, and millions will still accept you if you are worthy enough.

You can become worthy just by improving your own life.

After taking the number, don’t text, call her.

Tell her the date, the place and the time. Take the charge.

Act like a man, don’t sit like a scared dog with his tail under his legs. Sit like a man.

The more open you are, the more comfortable she will feel with you.

Women are better body-language readers than a man.

Don’t talk about sex and relationship on the first date, keep the conversation casual and maintain the sexual tension by maintaining eye contact.

Photo by Wiktor Karkocha on Unsplash

She will notice and remember these simple details.

You won’t gain this confidence just by thinking of dating, you will have to go out and work for it.

Become a better version of self who’s proud to show himself in the public.

Always pay on the first date even if the date went bad.

Stand there till she gets on the bus or metro safely, and if possible, drop her at her home.

Dating is all about knowing your gender character and acting accordingly.

Never date for fun and sex, date to find a life partner.

Don’t go around promising things to girls just to have sex with them.

Once a girl is seriously in love with you, she will never want to leave you so you better take action knowing the consequences.

Take responsibility for your actions.

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