28 Warning Signs of a Toxic Boyfriend

Qasim Adam
Published in
12 min readJan 24, 2022


Photo by Erwi on Unsplash

We’ve all been there. You’re scrolling through your Facebook feed when you see a friend’s post about her new boyfriend.

You start to feel like maybe you’re missing out, so you swipe right on Tinder and start swiping feverishly through potential matches.

Suddenly, you match with a guy who seems too good to be true. He has the perfect job, the perfect body, and is majoring in your favorite subject in college.

What could go wrong?

If you’re not careful, a lot can go wrong. Toxic relationships are more common than we might think, and they can be incredibly damaging to our mental and emotional health.

So how can we protect ourselves from getting into a toxic relationship? Well, read on for 28 red flags you should watch out for when dating someone, and remember these warning signs before emotionally investing in a guy.

1. He’s only nice to you when it benefits him.

If you start dating someone and he seems like the nicest guy around, but then gradually becomes more manipulative and demanding, beware.

Toxic guys only act nice when they want something from you, like when they’re trying to get their foot in the door. Once he has what he wants, he’ll become cold and unfeeling.



Qasim Adam

Blogger, author, and freelancer. Top writer on Medium in Love, Life Lessons, Psychology, Parenting, and Relationships.