21 Ways You Can Add Value to Your Life

#21 can create wonders for your life

Amit Kumar


Photo by Jordan Opel on Unsplash

No matter where you live on this planet, you have one thing common with every person living on this planet.

All of them want to have a good life.

The “Good” might differ for everyone but that feeling of “feeling good” is the same for all.

That excitement of living the moments the way you want to, that calmness of knowing the things you are going to witness, that euphoria of fulfilling the dreams you had since childhood.

We cherish those moments for our lifetime.

But then, the problem is that for most of us, life is good only in those moments.

We feel good that we had those moments and we wait for those moments to happen again to feel good, seeing the time in between as a waste.

We wait for those big moments to feel good.

We think that only those moments have value in our life otherwise our life is just a collection of crappy moments.

But what if I tell you, you can have those feelings every day of your life.

What if I tell you, you can feel that calmness of nerves every single day.



Amit Kumar

Published Author | Freelance writer on various platforms | Father | writes about life, productivity, self-development, mindset & relationships