21 Writing Tips For 2021

21 Micro-changes that can boost your writing quality

Giorgos Pantsios


Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

So, 2021 is here. New year, new me! Right?

Well, no. It’s the good old me, just a little tiny better than yesterday.

I got into writing in September, and it’s been a blast. I applied a lot of writing tips since then, and I will apply more writing tips in the near future. If you can see in my case study, I managed to boost my income with the same views!


I applied all of the tips below. Micro-changes that can improve your writing quality.

“If you quit on the process, you are quitting on the result.”
Idowu Koyenikan

Personally, I’m all about the process. So, write 21 stories and apply one tip at a time. It will still be good for you! Or write 7 stories and apply 3 tips at a time. Everything works just the same.

Okay, let’s head right into it.

  1. Create a writing schedule. I was all over the place, and couldn't keep up with a routine. But by creating a schedule, I found purpose. Personally, I’m using Notion to track my schedule, my ideas, and my process. It’s awesome and free.
  2. Write for your reader, not you. People read you because…



Giorgos Pantsios

Top Writer | Fulltime learner | Polymath from Greece | Exploring life | Modern Philosopher | https://linktr.ee/giorgospantsios