22-Point Listicle of the 22 Things I Learned in 2022

The last one is the most important one to move ahead in the new year 2023



Photo by Ankhesenamun on Unsplash

1. A non-decision is also a decision

Hence, try and make well-thought-out active decisions instead.

2. Beware of false dichotomies (likelihood of choosing one of the two options)

When both options are bad, choose neither.

3. In the long run, regrets are overwhelmingly more painful than failures

So give your best shot at what you want, and try to the best of your capacity.

4. Complexity feels appealing, but there is no glory in it.

Never complicate things — there is immense beauty in simplicity.

5. Don’t worry about people judging you

If you think nice about someone, tell them without worrying. Right now. People will have opinions about you anyways — whether you say something or not.

6. It is better to assume the best in people until they prove otherwise




In pursuit of convergence between creativity and logic | Storyteller | Traveler | Data Scientist | https://www.linkedin.com/in/krupesh-raikar