23 Insights as I Wrap Up 2023

Published in
3 min readDec 20, 2023

Hey there! As I reflect on the adventures and growth this year brought, I wanted to share some thoughts from my heart to yours. Picture a 23-year-old woman who’s been on quite the journey — once super shy and introverted, now an international student finishing her masters thriving outside her comfort zone. Let’s dive into 23 insights that have shaped my life and might resonate with yours.

  1. Rolling with Change: Life’s like a rollercoaster, right? So, I’ve learned to buckle up and enjoy the ride. Change is a constant, and embracing it opens doors to unexpected adventures.
  2. Bouncing Back from Tough Times: When life throws curveballs, it’s not about avoiding them but learning to swing. Bouncing back from tough times builds muscles you never knew you had.
  3. Cheers to Small Wins: Celebrate those tiny victories! Whether it’s acing a small task or just getting out of bed, each win is a step forward, and that deserves a toast.
  4. Forever a Student: Learning isn’t just for classrooms. I’m all about being a lifelong student — whether it’s from books, experiences, or the wisdom of those around me.
  5. Positivity Inside Out: How you talk to yourself matters. Cultivating positive self-talk creates a glow that radiates from the inside out.
  6. Spontaneity for the Win: Planning is cool, but spontaneity is the spice of life. Sometimes, the best memories come from the unplanned, unexpected moments.
  7. Balancing Act: Life’s a juggling act. Setting boundaries — whether with time or people — keeps everything in balance.
  8. Buddy, It’s Okay to Say No: Saying ‘no’ isn’t a rejection; it’s a preservation of your energy. Trust me, your time is precious — guard it.
  9. Heartfelt Connections: Meaningful relationships are my jam. Surrounding myself with people who uplift, inspire, and keep it real has been a game-changer.
  10. Creativity Unleashed: I’ve found joy in letting my creativity run wild. It could be doodling, writing, or even trying out a new recipe — expressing myself creatively is pure magic.
  11. Mindful Me Time: Amid the hustle, taking moments for myself is non-negotiable. Mindful practices, whether meditation or just a quiet cup of tea, keep me grounded.
  12. Random Acts of Kindness: A smile, a kind word, or a small gesture can light up someone’s day. I’ve become a fan of spreading good vibes through random acts of kindness.
  13. Facing Fears Head-On: From shy introvert to embracing the unknown — I’ve discovered that real growth happens when you step out of your comfort zone.
  14. Finance 101: I’m on a journey to financial literacy. Learning about money, saving, and investing — it’s my way of taking charge of my financial future.
  15. Seeing the World Through Varied Lenses: Different perspectives are like windows into a kaleidoscope of experiences. Embracing diversity in thoughts and cultures has broadened my horizons.
  16. Patience is a Superpower: Great things take time. I’ve learned to savor the process and appreciate the journey, even when the destination isn’t crystal clear.
  17. Well-Deserved Rest: Burnout is real. I’ve come to respect the power of rest, ensuring I recharge my batteries and come back stronger.
  18. Authentic Vulnerability: Opening up and being vulnerable is a strength, not a weakness. Authentic connections are built on sharing real stories, struggles, and triumphs.
  19. Values Guiding the Way: My core values are my compass. Aligning decisions and actions with these values keeps me true to myself.
  20. Expressing Gratitude: Gratitude is a magnet for positivity. Every day, I find something to be thankful for, even in the smallest moments.
  21. Exploring the Unknown: Life’s an adventure. I’ve learned to embrace the unknown, taking risks and discovering new facets of myself along the way.
  22. Learning to Say Goodbye: Endings are beginnings in disguise. Saying goodbye to what no longer serves me has created space for fresh opportunities.
  23. Celebrating Personal Evolution: As the year wraps up, I’m celebrating the woman I’ve become — the shy introvert turned adventurer. Here’s to more growth, learning, and unforgettable moments ahead!

So, there you have it — 23 insights from a 23-year-old navigating the twists and turns of life. I hope these resonate with you and inspire a bit of reflection as we bid adieu to 2023. Here’s to embracing the lessons, finding joy in the journey, and stepping boldly into the next chapter of our lives. Cheers to us!




A STEM international student that loves righting to fight her loneliness