Freelance Writing Opportunities

23 Paying Writing Markets — Earn Hundreds to Thousands of Dollars Freelancing From This Writing Market List!

Find magazines and websites looking for nonfiction freelancers — and even a few fiction opportunities.

Pamela Kazmierczak
Published in
10 min readFeb 18, 2022


writing, writing markets, freelance writing, freelance writing markets, calls for submissions, paying magazines, paying websites, writing jobs, writing opportunities, freelance writing opportunities
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Are you always looking for new places to submit your writing? If so, keep reading!

This article contains information on 23 places to send your pitches or completed manuscripts. Finding the right markets to pitch your work to or send your finished work can be difficult.

Part of this article is a recap of previous articles I have written. Still, most people will not read every one of my articles — so this is perfect for those who may have missed those markets or just forgot about them.

Of course, if some of my long-time readers have read all of my articles, I did include 8 additional markets I have never written about before. So there is something new for everyone!

Each of these freelance writing markets will contain the name of the magazine or website, either the main website or a guidelines link, an email if no guidelines link is available, what they are looking for, and the expected payment.



Pamela Kazmierczak

Helping Writers find places to submit their work to — sometimes for money! I write about other stuff sometimes, too!