27 Spooky & Scary Images Generated by AI that will Blow your Mind

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6 min readOct 16, 2022
Halloween Scary & Spooky  Image
Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI

It is Halloween again in 2054. The children were all gathered around the campfire, telling ghost stories. Suddenly, one of the kids pulled out his phone to show everyone a scary image that AI had generated. The others all gasped in horror at the sight of the grinning skeleton with its glowing red eyes.

For a moment, nobody said anything. Then, one of the kids suggested that they all go home. And so, they did, leaving the campfire burning brightly in the night. But even as they walked away, they couldn’t shake the feeling that something was watching them from the shadows…

These images are one of many generated by AI algorithms designed to create images from text prompts. While some may find them unsettling, others may react with fear or terror because our brains are hardwired to respond to images of threat and danger.

When we see something that evokes those feelings, our bodies prepare for fight-or-flight mode, releasing stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. In extreme cases, this can lead to a full-blown panic attack. So, if you’re ever feeling curious about these kinds of images, be warned: they may be more potent than you realize.

View it at your own risk.

What Is DALL·E 2?

DALL·E 2 is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from textual descriptions written in natural language. It uses a 12-billion parameter training version of the GPT-3 transformer model to interpret the natural language inputs and generate corresponding images.

Now, without further ado, here are some of my favorite spooky and scary images generated by DALL·E 2.

“a photograph of a sheet ghost in a foggy forest, 4k HDR.”

a photograph of a sheet ghost in a foggy forest
Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Ariel — In a foggy forest, a photograph of a sheet ghost is 4K HDR. The eerie figure seems to be hiding in the trees, waiting to ambush unsuspecting passersby. Its eyes gleam with hunger, and its mouth is open in a silent scream.

“Ethereal ghost child holding tattered teddy bear in overgrown abandoned circus, retro photograph.”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Simon — An ethereal ghost child appears, holding a tattered teddy bear. The child seems to be in an overgrown, abandoned circus. The scene is eerie and foreboding.

“Retro photo of skeletal figure with long sharp claws and large screaming mouth in dark woods.”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Simon — A retro photo of a skeletal figure with long, sharp claws and a large, screaming mouth. The figure is looming over its prey, ready to strike. Its eyes are gleaming with evil delight, and its mouth is gaping open in a bloodthirsty snarl.

“The grim reaper walking down a street in Guadalajara.”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI — The Grim Reaper walks down a street in Guadalajara. His cloak billows behind him in the breeze, and his scythe gleams menacingly in the sunset. He seems almost real until you remember that he is only a figment of your imagination.

“A spider like creature with human feature playing violon on a cobweb after rain digital art realistic.”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI — The rain stops, and a spider-like creature with human features slowly emerges from the shadows. It approaches an abandoned violin and picks up the instrument. The creature starts to play a mournful tune on the cobweb, the sound echoing through the night.

“A still from The Ring from an old TV of a woman in white dress standing beside a tree in the middle of a forest at night misty forest creepy”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI — A woman wearing a white dress stands next to a tree in the middle of a forest at night. She looks eerie and dangerous. Is she lost, or is she waiting for someone?

“A huge thanksgiving dinner covered in evil spiders and cobwebs by Norman Rockwell.”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI — Thanksgiving dinner is supposed to be a time for family, friends, and good food. But what if your turkey was covered in evil spiders and cobwebs? That would be enough to send anyone running for the hills!

“A photo of Baba Yaga”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Matt — A photo of Baba Yaga is something that would send a chill down your spine. Just looking at it, you can imagine the terror and darkness she exudes. She is a dangerous figure, one to be avoided at all costs. But there is also an undeniable fascination with her. She is the stuff of nightmares, but also of legend.

“An ogre emerging from a bush, dark, flash photography, digital art, chiaroscuro, horror, worn, aged.”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI — Do you see that ogre, lurking in the bushes? He’s covered in darkness, like a demon straight out of Hell. You can see the terror in his eyes, the weariness in his aged face. Do you want to go near him? I wouldn’t if I were you.

“Twin peaks movie still mid-shot scary woman huge open mouth big eyes ominous smile blue hour night forest”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Sara — The woman’s mouth is huge and open, her eyes are big and ominous, and her smile is Horror Movie Scary. Needless to say, it’s not the best time to be caught in the forest alone at night.

“a portrait of a haunted Victorian doll being suspicious”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X MIC — The portrait shows a haunted Victorian doll. It looks suspicious, as if it’s hiding something. There’s something aggressive and predatory about its gaze. It’s as if it’s ready to spring at any moment.

“A monster eating half of the planet earth, realistic art”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Fausto — The earth quaked as the monster lumbered closer, appearing to grow with each step. ignorant of the humanity that fled before it. It didn’t care for their screams or their_ begging as it destroyed everything in its path. Reaching out a hand, the monster grabbed hold of the earth and tore it in two. In a single gulp, it devoured half of the planet, crushing buildings and Relief effort organization put cities beneath its teeth. The skies darkened as thick dust and debris filled the air, blotting out the sun. For miles around, all was quiet except for the sound of the monster’s footsteps as it headed back into the shadows.

“Man with head of eagle, in hands chainsaw, standing in abandoned place full of haze, realistic, 3d, 4k details, unreal engine, 8k, 32k”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Raimonds — The man with the eagle head clutched the chainsaw tightly in his hands. He surveyed the abandoned place around him, taking in the haze that hung heavy in the air. He looked like a predator — ready to strike at any moment.

“An Epic photorealistic fantasy painting of a Hooded Skelton Warrior with a Syth among a dark mystical landscape.”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Dave — With a Syth in hand, the warrior looks aggressive and predatory. The scene is one of violence, with the hooded figure adding to the dark atmosphere.

“A glowing demon in a dark room standing in front of a bed, fog on the floor, right a small window where a little bluish light shines through, digital art”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Merlin — A glowing demon, its eyes aglow with feral hunger, stood in front of a bed. Darkness shrouded the room, and fog swirled around the demon’s feet.

“The grim reaper riding a skeleton horse through the woods, photo realism”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Bryce — The Grim Reaper is coming for you.
He’s riding a skeleton horse through the dark woods, and he’s coming to get you.
If you see the Grim Reaper, it means your time is up. There’s no escaping him.
He’s the bringer of death, and he’s coming to claim your soul.

“John Ruskin style painting of a scientist weeping in a modern white facility being consumed by a strange creature.”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Julian — The scientist wept in the modern white facility. He was being consumed by a strange creature, and he knew that his end was near. The creature’s eyes were cold and lifeless, and its mouth was filled with razor-sharp teeth. The scientist screamed in terror as the creature devoured him, until all that was left was a bloody mess.

“A horror baby in a graveyard with red-black liquid coming out of the eyes. hyper realistic, front view, award winning photography, Halloween”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Active — A baby in a graveyard, red-black liquid creeping from its eyes. Terrible, unspeakable things happening in the dead of night. Is this horror baby real, or just a figment of our imagination?

“a scary doll staring at you in the darkness, digital art”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Projector — There’s something eerie about a dolls stare. In the darkness, it seems to take on a whole new level of sinister. It’s almost as if it’s waiting for the moment to pounce. To strike. All while you’re trapped, frozen in fear. Not knowing what to do or where to turn. That’s the true terror of a doll staring at you in the darkness.

“a field of demonic haunted jack-o-lanterns coming to life at night, digital art, art station, cinematic lighting”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI X Andi — The field is alive with demonic jack-o-lanterns that come to life at night. They leer and grin, their eyes glowing with an unholy light. Glowing from within, they cast an eerie light over the whole field, turning it into a place of nightmares.

“Anime key visual of Gruntilda stirring a green liquid in a cauldron”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI — Gruntilda peers into her cauldron, a deep green liquid seething within. She gives it a final stir, a diabolical grin spreading across her face. The key visual for this anime is truly haunting — Gruntilda looks like she’s about to unleash some sort of terrible curse upon the world. It’s enough to send a chill down your spine!

“An ancient Nordic funeral oil painting.”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI — As the howling wind ripped through the night, the ancient Nordic funeral procession made its way slowly towards the burial grounds. The cold air numbed their senses, and the only sound was the crunching of snow beneath their feet.
They were led by a single figure, draped in a black cloak with a hood obscuring its face.
In one hand it held a torch, shedding light on the way forward but doing little to drive back the darkness that seemed to press in from all sides.

“The Ocean Walker dark scary oil painting.”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI — The Ocean Walker is a dangerous creature that lurks in the depths of the sea. It is said that this creature can drag sailors to their watery graves, and there are many tales of ships that have vanished into the depths, never to be seen again. If you’re brave enough to venture out onto the open waters, be sure to watch for the signs of the Ocean Walker.

“Psygoth female pumpkin mannequins propped up in the Halloween barn at night”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI — The Psygoth female pumpkin mannequins were propped up in the Halloween barn at night. Their eerie faces were illuminated by the moonlight, and their scarlet eyes seemed to follow anyone who dared to enter the barn. At night, when the barn was empty and dark, the mannequins took on a sinister quality. They seemed almost alive.

“A gothic teenage doll is displayed on a girls room cabinet between the regular barbie dolls.”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI — It seems out of place among the brightly dressed others, its dark clothes and sallow skin a stark contrast. It stares at onlookers with an eerie, blank expression, as if silently daring them to approach. There is something about this doll that is just not right; something that makes it seem dangerous. best avoided.

“Satyrs in a dark forest under a broken moon and starry night high key lighting hyper realistic art”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI — Satyrs lurk in the dark forest under a broken moon. They are illuminated by the eerie light of the stars, making them appear even more sinister. These creatures are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

“A biological specimen of dubious evolutionary origin is contained in a jar in a biology laboratory.”

Created with DALL·E, an AI system by OpenAI — A biological specimen of unknown origin is contained within a jar in a laboratory. This creature is unlike anything that has ever been seen before and it is clear that it does not belong on this earth. Whatever this thing is, it is clearly dangerous and should be destroyed as soon as possible before it can harm anyone.

How Does DALL·E 2 Work?

Are you unsure about how to utilize DALL·E2? Anyone can now create images using DALL·E2 thanks to the creators of the AI art generator opening up access. The platform remains in beta, but there’s no longer a waiting list. DALL·E2 sign-up is now open to all.

OpenAI’s DALL·E 2 has a simple premise. You type in a descriptive prompt of up to 400 characters, for example, “an impressionist oil painting of sunflowers in a purple vase," and AI magic will create the image.

Final Thoughts

Although DALL·E2 is one of the most sophisticated artificial intelligence programs to produce scary and frightening visuals, it may not be the first.

DALL·E2 may provide some very unsettling outcomes thanks to its ability to create realistic visuals.

Sign up and give Dall-e2 a try!




Writer ● Enthusiastically explore diverse subjects that capture my imagination and share my discoveries with fervor ● Love the Continent of Africa.