28 life lessons from 28 years in 4 minutes

Erum Khalid
Published in
4 min readAug 19, 2022

Random late-night thoughts!

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

I turned 28 this August.

Twenty-eight years seem so unreal!

It feels like yesterday when my mother used to make me ready for school, tieing my thick, black hair into two braids — the hairstyle which I'm not too fond of.

It was only yesterday when I tightly hold onto my father’s hand while going to purchase my favorite sweet with him, fearing that I might be left behind, as he used to walk so fast.

life slips out of your hand so fast,

Too late for a realization!


Here are 28 random lessons that I learned in these 28 years of my life. Let me know if you find any of them relatable or useful.

#1 Prioritise your family — they are the only people who love you and will continue to love you unconditionally till the very end.

#2 Don’t prolong fights with your loved ones — life is not certain and there are no guarantees of mending ties in the future.

#3 Embrace mediocrity — contrary to popular opinion, making peace with the fact that you cannot be the next Elon Musk or Bill Gates eases your anxiety and helps you accept yourself more.

#4 Craft your unique definition of success — success is a relative phenomenon, one should not buy whatever they are posing as a success but should create their own parameters of success.

#5 Express more — it is highly unlikely that people would read your mind and automatically change their behaviors to meet your expectations. If you want something, express it.

#6 Take actions, don’t use planning as a means of procrastination — it is better to do a thing today and get failed/passed at it earlier in life than to do the same thing 5 years later.

#7 Don’t put on an act to impress others, be original and you’ll meet some cool people.

#8 Love the boring day routine — not every day needs to be extraordinary to feel contented.

#9 Forgive others no matter how difficult it might seem at first — for the sake of your mental peace.

#10 Some people will not love you no matter what — you are not what they are looking for and that is ok.

#11 Watch out for things that you are bringing to the table in any relationship before questioning the other person.

#12 Having a good night routine will solve half of your problems.

#13 Future isn’t as scary as it appears, chill out.

#14 Stress ages you more quickly than bad food does — so try to work out and eliminate the sources of your stress to feel and look younger.

#15 Always be honest with yourself — you will not be able to trick your heart.

#16 Rejection is better than regret — don’t gather regrets, they are worse than rejection.

#17 Being shameful for your mistakes and grateful for your blessings is still a mark of good character — so bring it back into your life.

#18 Be aware that monetizing your hobbies may/may not be a good idea — depends on who you are as a person.

#19 It is okay to have an existential crisis —it is an indication that you are among those few people who think and contemplate, and are not those people who are oblivious to themselves.

#20 Look good and put on an optimistic facade — no one wants to be around sad, depressive people.

#21 Lower your bar and don’t beat yourself up if you haven’t achieved something that you’ve planned to achieve — you are not in control of your life.

#22 Write more to articulate your thoughts.

#23 Spend money on a thing that you want to do but are procrastinating about — money will act as a pusher to get you going.

#24 Wake up early to automatically feel better than everyone else.

#25 Play and make friends with kids — it's a good thing to flex.

#26 Don’t put happiness on a pedestal — be happy at mundane, trivial things of life: a cup of tea, a smile, small chess wins.

#27 If you are not happy in the journey, chances are you will not be happy at that perceived destination — love your struggles and take responsibility.

#28 Kindness is underrated — it can go a long way!

Thank you for reading!

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Erum Khalid

Content Writer | Open for work | Niches: Writing, Relationships, Parenting, Pets, Technology, whatnot :) https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~0173a3bc3a1f451617