3 Activities I Did Every Day That Gave Me More Confidence

Some practical tips to boost your self-confidence.

Biliz Maharjan


Photo by Irene Strong on Unsplash

I often think about success and how I can achieve it. So, I study the greats in many sectors to learn about their success journey.

What personality traits do they have?

Their skills or knowledge play a crucial role in their success. However, their self-confidence had a more significant impact.

Confidence is a crucial trait for success. Whether it’s confidence in communication, your ability to get what you want, or something else. If you aren’t self-assured, don’t expect to achieve more incredible things.

I have experienced a lack of confidence in myself since early childhood. I was a shy kid in school who couldn’t speak up for what he wanted to say. This harmed my growth when I grew up and faced the reality of life.

I’m much wiser now, although I’m still learning every day. I figured out that changing my personality is possible. So, I became confident by doing certain things right.

1. Positive self-talk

The words you speak are powerful. They have a significant impact on your reality.



Biliz Maharjan

I write about self-improvement, creativity, and writing. Free writing guide—store.bilizmaharjan.com