3 Big Blocks to Creativity and How to Beat Them

How I learned to overcome feeling stuck and get back in the groove

Tamjid Hossain
4 min readFeb 3, 2024


How To Stop Feeling Stuck in Life, 3 Big Reasons Why You Are Feeling Stuck in Life
Photo by Tomas Tuma on Unsplash

Sometimes I just think and think. It feels like I’m doing nothing at all. Just wasting my time thinking. Has it ever happened to you?

I know it does.

It happens to me quite often.

Most people experience this. Well, I tried to find out why this happens. Why sometimes it feels like I’m just stuck in a loop, accomplishing nothing at all.

No matter what you are doing, sometimes you just feel stuck in life. It feels like you are accomplishing nothing.

For example, yesterday. I was trying to come up with some ideas for an upcoming event the next week. But you know, life happened and I had to go out for a bit. Then when I came back home I felt tired and slept.

Doing absolutely nothing I planned to do, today I am feeling stuck in life.

While feeling like that, I’ve just gathered 3 things that could be the culprit behind this weird feeling of getting stuck in life.

Wait, something is wrong! I just said I was feeling stuck and feeling like doing nothing to research a topic! And now I’m writing this article…

This can be a trick to overcome this issue. Weird right? — let me explain the reasons first, then I’ll share my ways of coping with these.

1. You overthink

Yeah, it all starts with the thoughts. They just come and try to drag you away from the right path. These thoughts will trap you in a place.

They won’t set you free. They hold you back. You feel stuck in life.

Sometimes you try to shove them away. But they keep coming back.


What I try to do in this situation is just distract myself. Try to do whatever comes to my mind and go with it.

Because overthinking will only make you trapped in more thoughts and you will be stuck in a loop of never-ending thoughts.

This quote says exactly the same:

“Don’t get too deep, it leads to overthinking, and over thinking leads to problems that doesn’t even exist in the first place.”

- Jayson Engay.

Lessons — Don’t overthink it. Let it flow.

2. Doing something you don’t enjoy

This is a big reason for feeling stuck in life.

When you do something you don’t enjoy, you will feel this way at some point. You will feel like you don’t know what to do with your life.

When you are doing something you don’t enjoy, you won’t be able to concentrate on that. So, the weird thoughts come and distract you.

You feel hopeless and trapped — doing the same thing which you don’t enjoy over and over again. You feel like you are in the loop and you can’t possibly come out of this. You feel stuck.


I always try to do something that I enjoy. Whenever I feel like writing, I write. Whenever I feel like listening to songs or reading books, I do those.

Yeah, sometimes I have to do something I don’t enjoy doing — that’s how life works.

But I try to complete them quickly and then treat myself to doing something I enjoy doing.

I try to enjoy my own company. This is how I’m training my brain to overcome this feeling of getting stuck.

Lessons — Enjoy own company, always treat yourself with doing something you enjoy doing.

3. You are passing time idly

This is another reason for feeling stuck in life. When you pass time idly and do nothing at all, the thoughts come and you start overthinking about your life.

And when you do — you start to feel stuck.

There is a quote saying —

“Never let the brain idle. ‘An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.’ — George Carlin.

If you are idle, those weird and unnecessary thoughts of getting stuck in life will easily affect you.


You see, I was feeling like doing nothing and was having unnecessary thoughts of feeling stuck in life. But now I am writing this story.

I went from doing nothing to writing this story. What I meant is — whenever you get this type of thought, you immediately start doing something. Don’t let those thoughts grow — or else these will only keep growing and you will feel like a little helpless mouse surrounded by big scary cats.

Lessons — Whenever you are passing time idly and weird thoughts hit you, always look for opportunities to do something. Don’t let those thoughts grow!

How To Stop Feeling Stuck in Life
Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

The Bottom Line

Remember, we all are valuable human beings with real skills. We can do whatever we want or enjoy doing. We don’t have to feel like getting stuck in life.

Just change the way you think and it will be all good. Never let the thoughts grow big. Sometimes, get distracted from the busy life and give yourself room to breathe in some fresh air — this definitely helps.

Also, following positive-minded people encourages you to do well and think positively. Try to follow as many positive-minded people as possible and remove toxic people from your life. This way you will never feel like getting stuck.



Tamjid Hossain

Writing about life lessons, marketing ideas, self-improvement, better life and other useful content that will help others.