3 Big Medical Myths That Are Actually Classic Marketing Stunts

We’ve all been sold on funny facts.

Boateng Sekyere


A lady lying on a her back at the beach
Photo by pawel szvmanski on Unsplash

No product can outlive the strength of the marketing behind it.

That’s why companies — and sometimes whole industries — play the clever marketing card to get customers on board.

It gets even more clever when the marketers can link the benefits of their products with the health of the potential customers. Or at least prey on customers’ fears and allude to their insecurities.

And there are fewer industries where those tactics are rifer than in the health and fitness space.

Over the decades, clever marketers have sold us products that owe more to marketing slogans than actual health advice. As those products caught on, millions of customers bought in.

Everyone held up those pieces of advice and treated them as law until researchers got fed up and began to dig deeper. And guess what many have been finding?

The roots of some of those campaigns owe more to marketing genius than medical science. Here are three classic examples.

Walk at least 10,000 steps a day to stay healthy

When I owned a Samsung Galaxy S5 mini smartphone a few years ago, the S-health…



Boateng Sekyere

Writer | Photographer in Accra. Grab my free guide on how to write more engaging articles here: https://bit.ly/writ-guide. Say hi at boatengwrites@outlook.com