3 Biohacks to Become a Workaholic

500% increase in adrenaline and 250% in dopamine

5 min readOct 22, 2022


Photo by Lukas Blaskevicius on Unsplash

When it comes to success, we humans mostly use our brains to achieve it, and it’s been this way for 3 million years.

And now, more than ever in our evolutionary road, we need our brains to perform the best in different areas, especially focus.

Our ancestors didn’t know about biohacking, they unlocked their full potential without realizing it!

Today, I'll teach you how to do it on purpose.

We’ll start with the basics,

Your body was programmed to save energy when there is no need to use it

Remember that because It’s the best way to understand what I'm about to tell you

Now, your body was also programmed to release an incredible amount of energy when you need it.

And in order for it to do that, it needs to know when to use energy somehow.

That’s where “energy” hormones (cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, & endorphins…) come into play.

Their job is to tell your body and brain to burn more energy at a higher rate.

But your body will never release enough of these hormones when you have a job interview.

However, it’ll release a good amount of them if spill a cup of coffee on your computer’s keyboard.

Now, there are, of course better ways to increase your energy levels without spilling liquids on your favorite electronics, and that’s why I’m here :)

1. Don’t eat.

Photo by AB on Unsplash

Don’t worry; I’m not trying to kill you here, but not eating for some time does increase your energy levels.

In fact, Steve Jobs used to fast frequently for 3 days in a row to induce really strong motivation that comes with a strong hit of Euphoria that sticks for days.

Warning! fasting for 3 days in a row doesn’t always induce Euphoria; it can also induce death if you are a type 1 diabetic.

Or possibly fainting if you are not used to physical stress.

But once you adapt to fasting, the energy you will feel is impossible to explain, trust me, I’ve been fasting 3 days a week for 2 years now and this shit is stronger than opioids, not really :), but you get the idea.

2. Embrace the cold.

What’s the first thing you do after you expose yourself to cold water?

You gasp for air; that’s what you do,

And it’s not because you love the air,

It’s because your lungs are trying to inhale every oxygen molecule around so that your cells can use it along with glucose and ketones to burn more energy and therefore increase the body temperature,

But that’s not the cool thing about cold exposure; the cool thing about it is that It increases your energy level when it tries to heat the body,

And if you stay in the cold for long enough, your energy usage can even reach ten times the average energy usage of someone in a normal temperature,

It won’t happen at first because your body still doesn’t have that much energy, but once you get used to It, It will become a constant stream of Energy, Euphoria, and Motivation for you.

And don’t be confused about the euphoria part because It’s a natural effect of long exposure to physiological stress,

By the way, numerous studies show people getting a whopping 500% increase in adrenaline and noradrenaline and 250% in dopamine levels after 2 hours in a cold pool.

It’s the same feeling you get from a runner’s high, but with my new method of merging fasting, workout, and cold showers for three months now, the Euphoria, Motivation, and Confidence I get from It is beyond explanation.

But after two days of intense Energy, I feel tired again because my body is still not adapted to release Growth Hormones in the daytime,

But over time, with many “stress & recovery cycles,” I will become able to finally have Energy for longer periods.

3. Exercise.

It’s obvious that exercise is one of the best ways to increase energy levels; if we look at the core, it’s just fasting!

The only difference is that glucose runs out faster when exercising than when fasting, making you enter the ketosis phase earlier and therefore get your energy boost earlier than fasting.

The same thing also goes for cold showers; they increase energy levels by the same mechanism, so cold showers are like fasting,

You only need to stay in the cold for 2 hours to burn all your glucose and enter ketosis, instead of fasting, which requires a longer time.

And That's It!

You can now increase your energy levels by merging these three practices.

Even Steve Jobs didn’t do it, haha.

He was only fasting, but he never knew that he could induce even more energy by merging fasting with exercise and cold showers.

(& yes, he was a biohacker, in my opinion, I’ll write an article about him soon)

But now you know, so do with it what you want…

And don’t forget to hit that follow button to increase my energy levels :)

And read my other articles to become a real biohacker 🧬

Here is a good pick for you :

& here is my best article so far :

cheers :)

