Personal Growth

3 Critical Things I Learned From Cycling 100 Miles In the Pouring Rain

Never commit to a challenge from the comfort of your sofa.

The Guvna
Published in
6 min readDec 12, 2020


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There are some ideas that seem great when you’re sat comfortably on the sofa but not so much when you are right in the thick of the action.

After 7 odd hours of riding in the pouring rain not long ago, that’s exactly how I felt.

The idea in theory sounded glorious. The plan was to cycle 104 miles on a sunny August day to raise awareness and money for the 1 in 4 black men who get diagnosed with prostate cancer every year in the UK. Having only ever ridden 100 miles on one other occasion, it was always going to be a hefty challenge.

But I was confident that with the training I had done and the likelihood of warm August weather I would be fine.

Of course, being the UK, the weather didn’t turn out this way as when the big day came there were flash floods along my route and torrential rain for most of the day.

After the first 15 minutes, my socks were already soaked and I could barely see where I was going.

Undeterred I persisted and eight hours later I finished the ride raising a decent amount of money for charity in the process.



The Guvna

I write about personal development, cycling, fatherhood and everything in between.