3 Critical Ways We Emotionally Self- Sabotage Ourselves And Kill Our Dreams

And how to overcome them



Self-sabotage is the silent robber that carts your dreams away if you let it.

According to clinical psychologist, Ellen Hendriksenself-sabotage is any action that impedes achieving your goals.” The actions can be passive or active.

The behaviors we adopt to self-sabotage our way out of our dreams or productivity is “really our subconscious trying to protect us from disappointment. Our subconscious would rather keep us from dealing with our deep-seated fear of failure by having us skip out of even trying.”

So basically, our subconscious can be a bit of a shithead, but you don’t have to fall for its whims. There are many tools out there to help overcome this insidious thing.

But developing sustainable tools to help overcome this behavior, entails first acknowledging there is a problem.

This is probably the hardest thing to do because admitting we have a problem means taking a deeper look at ourselves. And to be fair, most people don't want to do that.

So in the spirit of collective acknowledgment of our ability to self-sabotage, here are the 3 critical ways we self — sabotage and kill our dreams;




Self-Development, Self-Improvement, and Marketing Writer. Voracious Learner, joyful coffee addict.