3 Easy Steps To Be Insanely Likeable

You can be charismatic too.

Fatima Sultan


Photo by Atikh Bana on Unsplash

When Leonardo DiCaprio enters a room, everyone looks up and takes notice. He magnetically draws people towards him. He is charismatic.

But you can be too. In fact, it’s much easier than you think.

Charisma is what you do and what you say rather than who you actually are. Simply put, it is all about presenting yourself and your ideas in a ‘symbolic, emotional and value-based mannerthrough your presence, warmth and power.

It’s about fine-tuning your communication skills.

But it is all good and well to know that. How can you translate this into tangible ways to be charismatic? Simple. Just read below.

1. Work on your presence and warmth

Presence is all about being truly engaged and giving your complete attention. It’s about not showing off, shutting down your ego and giving your all towards the people you talk to.

Eye contact. If you’ve ever met a charismatic person, you’d know that they have a warm way of making you feel welcome. Good eye contact shows you are invested and you’re listening.

I’ve struggled with eye contact growing up. It used to make me feel uncomfortable looking at the pools of other people’s…



Fatima Sultan

Passionate about life and its many disappointments. This was supposed to be cool. Oops! Hear more from me: https://fatimasultan.substack.com.