3 Easy Steps To Use Crystals To Connect With Angels

Crystal care doesn’t have to be hard

Tree Langdon
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2022


A circle of purple stones around a clear crystal
Photo by Dan Farrell on Unsplash

Taking care of crystals is a three-step process. The process is fairly simple, but each step must be done with intention and mindfulness.

The steps are logical. First, you clear residual energy by cleansing it, then you charge it to increase its abilities, and then you set an intention. If you want to connect with angels, that would be included in your intention.

1. Cleansing a crystal

It’s important to cleanse your crystals once a month if they are being used regularly. Perform a cleansing more often if they are used often or if a crystal was used to clear negative energy.

It’s always a good idea to cleanse crystals when you first receive them. They will have energy from previous owners or handlers.

You can cleanse a collection of crystals all at once. You don’t need to do them one by one.

If your crystal looks dull, your crystal is likely muted and needs a cleanse.

Visualizing the cleansing is a key part of the process.

  • Placing your crystal in sunlight will cleanse it. An hour is enough.
  • Sunlight will dull the color of some crystals if you leave them in…



Tree Langdon

I write stories, and poetry, and create sketches inspired by my dreams for the world. https://wordsinmotion.substack.com/