3 Essential Tasks Leaders Must Do After a Promotion

Get results quickly in your new leadership role

Wendy Scott


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

The first few months as a leader can be tricky. You must feel your way and rely on your line manager for direction.

Leaders are often left wondering what they should do in their new role because it’s usually left to newly promoted leaders to find out what they need to do. After all, these newbies are paid to be leaders, aren’t they?

Though leaders should be proactive, expecting people to work out the intricacies of a new leadership job is not helpful.

My first forays into leadership were disastrous. I needed to figure out how to behave, what tasks to do, and how to delegate.

I also had a somewhat inflated opinion of myself, which didn’t help. I had aspirations of greatness but no leadership experience or common sense.

Decades later, I still see people struggling to navigate new leadership roles.

In the early days of the new role, it’s easy to fall back into doing what you did in your old job. It’s more comfortable, and success is guaranteed, unlike success in your new responsibilities.

But it’s essential to act the part to get off to an impressive start.



Wendy Scott

L&D professional writing practical, step-by-step leadership and training & development articles to help leaders, managers & trainers grow their careers.