Woman’s profile in x-ray, watercolor and mixed-media illustration to show someone losing their creativity | by Dane O’Leary Media
Created by the author from original, licensed, and generated media.

Don’t Give Your Stories a Shelf Life

Beware Guides to Writing ‘Successful’ Medium Stories — They Share 3 Fatal Flaws

Tons of creators are sharing the secrets to their successes on Medium via guides and tutorials, but there are three reasons to exercise extreme caution when following that advice.

Dane O'Leary
Published in
9 min readFeb 20, 2024


These days, anyone who sees a jump in their analytics rolls that success into a “How to Write Top-Earning Stories on Medium” guide.

Is that a problem? For the most part, no.

The thing that makes Medium so unique is how balanced it is. Instead of creating a platform focused on the audience — and bombarding them with ads as a result — Medium is as much for creators as for readers.

But never advertisers.

It doesn’t mean Medium creators can’t monetize — we absolutely can, but only to a specific degree so Medium can maintain the user experience. This works for creators because most creators on Medium are also readers on Medium.

As a result, this platform uniquely straddles the line between being a social network and a content management system (CMS) — almost like there was a brief but passionate affair between…



Dane O'Leary

Dane is a designer who has spent the last 15 years building brands, products, and digital experiences | #Design #Marketing #Tech #Entertainment #Business