3 Great Books That Will Expand Your Mindset This Month

“Between the pages of a book is a lovely place to be.”

Teronie Donaldson


Photo by Laura Kapfer on Unsplash

I will let you in on a secret…


Any book you read will expand your mindset, especially if you are willing to learn and apply what’s inside.

The magic of books is that you are guaranteed to learn something. I gained valuable life lessons from fiction and nonfiction books alike. Heck, I even learn from manuals. Whatever I look at, I am a sponge for an opportunity, and I am sure you are as well.

The 3 books I mention in this article are:

1- “Never Split the Difference” by Chris Voss.

2- “The Go-Giver” by Bob Burg and John D. Mann.

3- “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David Schwartz.

I read these books because I wanted to strengthen my negotiating skills and enhance my thinking big skills. I also wanted a feel-good story about the art of giving, and these books didn’t disappoint.

As they helped me, I am certain they will help you.

So here are 3 great books that will expand your mindset this month and beyond.

1-“Never Split the Difference: Negotiating as if Your



Teronie Donaldson

Student of life. I write about books, productivity, reading, and applying what I learned. I hope it helps. *Check me out *https://linktr.ee/Teronie