3 Habits I Didn’t Realize Make Me Smarter

Yuan VK
Published in
4 min readJan 24, 2024
Image by Cindy Parks from Pixabay

I made this article not to say that I’m smart but to highlight my significant improvement.

Ten years ago, I ranked 21 out of 30 in my class, attending one of the worst middle schools in the city. But just a few months ago, I graduated from a reputable university in my country, and I can finally be proud of myself.

I know that I’ve learned so much, but my other habits also play a part. Like what Lara Boyd says,

Every behavior we engage in changes our brain; it’s neuroplasticity.

Here are three of them.

1. Not Binge Watch Entertainment

I usually only watch YouTube for about 1 hour max and use Instagram only for making content. Unlike 95% of the people I meet, I don’t watch TikTok, Netflix, and other entertainment stuff.

Whenever I meet friends, more than 2 people talk about new trends, new series, and new jokes. I never really understand what they’re talking about.

At first, I felt like a not up-to-date person, but then I realized those contents are mostly trash anyway.

Entertainment is not reality, and whoever watches it too much shifts their perception of the world.

My sister, who watches K-dramas too much, thinks that when you love someone, they will always love you back.

My friends, who watch YouTube too much, still believe that they can find an easy money method.

My neighbor, who watches TikTok too much, is begging their parent to buy him a new trendy iPhone.

I feel relieved. Not binge-watching those contents makes my life simpler. I have nothing on my mind but what I think is important.

I view the world as real as I can, and this makes my mindset healthier.

2. Exercise

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

I started exercising consistently about 2 years ago.

In my first year, I nearly quit because I didn’t get the result I wanted (building muscle). But, I continued to exercise as I found the benefits to my intelligence.

Jordan Peterson says, “human cognitive ability decreases after 25 years old, but exercise staves that off.”

Dr. Lila Landowski says, “exercise makes new brain cells, increases the ability to learn, and memorize.”

And many more proofs that say, “exercise makes you smarter.”

I proved this to myself: whenever I exercised, my mind is clearer. It gives me dopamine, which makes me happy and more focused.

By the way, I don’t lift hundreds of pounds of weight. I just exercise at home, doing push-ups, squats, and pull-ups for 45 minutes. You can do it too.

Since I’m a mental worker, my mind is the biggest asset I have. It’s like a muscle for those who work as athletes. So, of course, I’m not going to stop this habit.

3. Keep Quiet

Image by NoName_13 from Pixabay

“We have two ears and one mouth; therefore, we should listen twice as much as we speak.” — Zeno

I’m an introvert and a shy guy; I don’t talk too much.

I take that as an advantage.

When I don’t speak, I observe and learn from others.

Speaking shares information without any return. It’s better if we speak the truth; if not, we will look stupid.

But, when we are silent and observe, we gain new information and become smarter.

If you don’t believe me, take a look at quiet people in your surroundings. I bet most of them have above-average intelligence.

They are usually silent, but if you ask their opinion, they can give you meaningful advice.

It’s not about becoming an introvert, but it’s about shifting the focus from speaking to listening.

Only talk if it’s necessary.

If you’re not sure what to say, just be quiet. Watch, listen, and observe.

My Final Thought

Being smart isn’t always about learning; doing healthy habits can also achieve the same.

Don’t watch too much entertainment, exercise, and don’t talk too much.

Those are what I can remember.

I don’t think being a fool is even a choice. Life is complex, and our brain is one of the reasons we keep surviving in this world.

It’s one of the best things God ever gifted to humanity, so better not to mess it up.

Thank you so much for reading this far; I hope this is helpful.

What do you think? If you have another habit recommendation please let me know in the comment section.



Yuan VK

Your introverted friend. A life learner who shares heartfelt ideas.