3 Highlights from My 3rd Trip to Michael Singer’s Temple of the Universe

It was a doozy.

David Gerken


The Author with Michael Singer — Photo by Author

After two uneventful flights across America, I got in my tiny Kia something-or-other rental car in Jacksonville, Florida, and headed to Michael Singer’s Temple of the Universe for my third visit. (You can read about trip numbers one and two here and here.)

Why do I find it necessary and useful to write about these trips? That’s easy: Because Mickey Singer is my favorite spiritual teacher. Bar none. Esta numero uno.

Why? I’ve written lots about this before but suffice to say that he not only teaches us to quiet down inside, through meditation and whichever spiritual practices work for us…

It’s all in the letting go

He goes further by emphasizing the need to let go of our egos. That if we don’t do this, the egoic baggage inside us will continue to guide our every move…and not in a good way.

This all comes together in teaching people to live their lives by looking inside to fix what ails us inside, rather than looking to the outside world (through chocolate chip cookies, houses, girlfriend/boyfriends) to fix what ails us inside. The former works. The latter doesn’t.



David Gerken

Meditation and Mindfulness teacher. Dad of three precious kids. Former writer for THE WEST WING. Follow me at davidgerken.net.