3 Important Life Lessons I Learned After Spending $1.3K

All coming from a smartphone

Chun Hao


Photo by Ishan @seefromthesky on Unsplash

When I’m on this platform, I strive to always be transparent with what I write.

Making sure what I express aligns with my morals and beliefs has been my utmost priority.

Hence, I have to let my readers know that I bought myself the newest, flagship smartphone by Samsung.

Picture by Author

Yes, it is the S22 Ultra (Sheeshhh. I purchased the Phantom White Colour)

It was the first-ever expensive phone I have ever bought.

My previous phones were budget phones — not that they weren’t functional, but they were never on the premium spectrum of smartphones.

I was a staunch believer that one does not need to acquire the best, top-of-the-line smartphones. I used to think that it is simply a waste of money. After all, my frugal mind was telling me that phones are simply for communication — to call and message one another.

As long as a phone satisfies that purpose, I never really felt the need to get a $1000 phone when a $500 phone will suffice.



Chun Hao

Hooked on Personal Finance and Self Growth! I write mostly about exploring one's potential, being financially prudent, and pursuing happiness.