3 Key Realizations that Will Help You Promote Your Writing with Confidence

And why you should accept, or better yet, embrace self-promotion as part of the process

Dani Mini


Photo by Adem AY on Unsplash

To be a writer of any kind, you must love, in a painful kind of way, the writing process. As to promoting your work, you must at least accept that it’s part of the deal — that is, if you want readers.

When I first started blogging, I hated the idea of promoting myself. Silly me, I expected people would just find my writing if it was any good or relevant to them. Not only that, I thought those readers would be clicking the “forward” or “share” button every time they read any of my writing.

Go ahead. Laugh. I was ridiculously naive and unjustifiably arrogant.

I created my blog and published my first article. I told no one. After a few weeks, less than a handful of souls had stumbled upon it.

I abandoned the endeavor — until a year or so later when I found this platform. Also, my son, who’d just completed an internship with a news publication, began telling me about all that’s involved in getting any content in front of people’s eyes.



Dani Mini

Dani is a special education advocate and writer of anything worth pondering, from autism to Botox.