Don’t worry! 3 easy remedies for writers block

Here’s how to avoid being weeded out

MarkfromBoston 🌻Ukraine


Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

I ran the Marine Corps Marathon a number of years ago in Washington, DC. It was epic and it was hard. My success over a long six months of training was due to working a plan that set the odds in my favor. I found the community support I needed to train each and every week and enjoy the process along the way.

Most people who began to train for the marathon never made it to the finish line. The same fall-off happens to writers trying to complete Year One. Your year will be epic and it will be hard. And you will want to quit. Will you be the one who makes it?

Here’s how to make it to the finish line —

  1. Treat your writing, like running a long-distance race:

You learn when to push forward and when to stay with the pack. The miles come easiest when under cruise control and the fun comes with the big push — the kick — at the end when the finish line is within sight. I think this is a metaphor for my writing community.

When I ran 5K fun run races, the spirit is the absolute majesty of joining a crowd of people for the fun and camaraderie of being together. Being connected for a common purpose. Every writer needs friends cheering from the sidelines for you at the top of their lungs.



MarkfromBoston 🌻Ukraine

I share insightful stories that build community. The Medium tribe writing tribe is my family. My goal is to meet 10 new people per month around the world.