3 Major Problems With Twitter

A platform with a toxic culture has led to toxic solutions

Short Thoughts


Photo by Souvik Banerjee on Unsplash

I used Twitter pretty much every day for about 5 years. But eventually, I tired of the fact that I couldn’t communicate properly on there. I got sick of the fact that every time I logged in; I was confronted with hate, misinformation, and trolls.

I decided that turning my back on Twitter was the right thing to do. I abandoned the platform long before they started banning high-profile people for saying distasteful things. I understand Twitter is trying to clean their site up, but I’m convinced that users abandoning the platform is simply a healthier solution to Twitter’s toxicity in the long term.

Here are the 3 major problems I think there are with Twitter, which has contributed to creating one of today’s most toxic online cultures.

1 — 280 characters aren’t enough

Twitter’s a space where people can say whatever’s on their minds. The caveat is that several characters to do so in are very limited. Although Twitter recently increased the character cap from 140 to 280, I’m still not persuaded that capping characters are ever a useful way to foster debate.

Because people can say what they want within Twitter’s constraints on the platform, inevitably…



Short Thoughts

I write about business, politics, marketing, writing, history, and other bits and pieces.