Three Mind-blowing Facts About Women

Power & Love
Published in
4 min readApr 2, 2024

Many would agree that you could write a book about women. One might say; a book in installments. Women walk through life emotionally, while men tend to use a more logical approach. When women become engaged in multiple emotions at once, it can lead to some incomprehensible patterns that many men cannot understand. However, some men may intuitively understand women, while others learn to understand them through experience. Unfortunately, some men never succeed in understanding women, and in those cases, conflicts and breakups occur. Through this article, I will try to explain and illustrate “3 mind-blowing secrets about women” and how to best deal with them. The article and the mentioned facts are based on personal experiences with women.

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Let’s get started!


Simply put, a woman enjoys putting various tests, so-called small obstacles, in front of her man to see how he will deal with them. It all starts from the first date, where the main test is when the bill arrives at the table. Of course, according to customs, this is something the man should take care of. This is certainly the first of many tests for a man. In addition, women are very curious and will test a man through various questions. For example, Why didn’t your last relationship last more than 6 months? Why did you break up? What kind of job do you do? Can you progress in it? These are just some examples of questions that come as some initial tests. Testing continues afterward. A woman will carefully scrutinize how a man behaves toward her parents, she will carefully observe how a man looks at her friends. A woman also tests the priorities in a man’s life. Will the man prefer to go for a drink with friends or stay with his wife when she wants it? Does the man hide his phone password from his wife? If he does, many negative question marks can go through her head. Is he cheating on me? Why is he hiding it? If he’s honest, there’s nothing to hide, right? How does a man behave in a cafe or restaurant? Does he show fear in random conflicts with strangers or does he stand his ground? Also, a very crucial point; is the relationship becoming boring? Is the man becoming boring? Constant tests! How to deal with it? With honesty. That’s it. A man needs to have an honest attitude and stick to it. He doesn’t need to constantly please the woman because that’s not the solution. The attitude should be clear, honest, and firm. If a man responds to tests with honesty (even if she doesn’t like some things because not everything is her way), she will appreciate it. Sooner or later. An honest attitude towards a woman brings long-term support and security, which leads us to the next fact.


Some subconsciously, and most consciously. It’s in the nature of men to be stronger than woman. Women are weaker and more delicate. Of course, this refers to physical rather than psychological state. A woman doesn’t need someone who isn’t a support and on whom she can’t rely. She doesn’t need someone who is more afraid than her in difficult situations or someone who can’t make tough decisions when it’s a problem for her. A woman needs a leader. With such a man, her happiness grows, and her feminine energy comes to the forefront more, making her become a better and better version of herself. The solution? It’s simple; if you’re a man, you must be a leader!


We come to a very strong point of a woman, and that is her intuition. Simply put, they feel when something isn’t right. When things aren’t as they should be, intuition tells them that something isn’t functioning well. How is that? Only they know, it’s hard to describe women’s intuition. How to deal with it? Well, actually, there’s no need for that. It’s not something to fight against. It’s worthy of respect, and the solution from fact number 1 is the best answer.

All women subconsciously engage in these 3 things, with some expressing them more strongly than others. We cannot say that all women are the same, and likewise, we cannot say the same for men. However, there are some common and even innate qualities that women generally use, as well as men on the other side. Understanding these things can certainly lead to better relationships, communication, and understanding, which are key to a successful relationship. If both sides are willing to understand, the relationship itself becomes much better and more fulfilling.



Power & Love

This page is built upon the experiences and wisdom of men and women in relationships. We will explain the different types of situations .