3 Pieces of ‘Nigerian Inspired’ Life Advice I Say to Myself All the Time

A topic prompted by Karen Nimmo and Day 4 of my 100 day writing challenge

Keno Ogbo


Karen Nimmo asks, ‘what’s the best life advice you ever got?’ I read her great article here and decided I would like to share mine as well. Growing up in Nigeria, it’s no surprise that my selections are based on popular Nigerian sayings. These have stuck with me from childhood, and the wisdom in them have become more apparent as I have grown.

So here are the three pieces of advice I remind myself of, a lot of the time. Starting with No 3 on the list.

3. I can’t come and kill myself
OK, this may not make sense grammatically, but it’s easy to grasp with some examples. A situation has occurred, and I am considering my response to the situation. Then I give up on taking any action because; ‘I can’t come and kill myself’ it’s not worth it. Or, I am stressed out with lots of deadlines, so I resolve to put aside some tasks, because ‘I can’t come and kill myself’ it’s not a priority.

This is what it means to me:

  • Know thyself: It’s so important to know what matters to you and what does not.
  • Prioritise: We all have 24 hours in a day. We may not be able to fit…



Keno Ogbo

A stochastic writer, delving into life, tech and fiction. Writing from her West African background, she tackles old issues with a fresh perspective.