3 Productivity Tactics To Get Your Todo List Done Everyday

Rule 39, 15, and 2 out of my productivity database.

Sah Kilic


Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Out of about 45+ productivity tactics I’ve squeezed into my (excessive but free) database, these three stand out because they consistently make me get shit done.

1 | Only Have 3 Things On Your Todo List.

If you’ve got four, you’ve got too many.

Sure we do a lot more than three things every day, but I’d argue that even three tasks are stretching it, and maybe there’s only one that matters. Less is more when getting things done—restricting your list forces you to prioritize.

Starting the day with three things or less on your mind is the way to go.

2 | Put A Deadline Next To Each Item

We all know some version of Parkinson’s law.

Work expands to fill the time available, and we see this in action living the 9 to 5; we don’t need to be there most of the time. We can do things at record speeds if we have to. Schedules add constraints to tasks and keep procrastination in check.

Deadlines are us telling ourselves that we’re the boss.

3 | Do The Hardest Thing First



Sah Kilic

I talk so much I figured I should write some of it down. Join me here: http://sah.substack.com 💪