Don’t let these road blocks stop you:

3 Profit Limiting Chunk Template Barriers that Get You Stuck Like a Duck in the Muck

…and how to defeat them

Jeff the Content Profit Coach
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2021


Photo by David Jusko on Unsplash

{no ducks were harmed during the creation of this title and metaphor}

Content templates help you create prospect and profit pulling content.

And more prospects and profits is why you’re reading this article, right?

Let’s take a close look at 3 barriers in the way and how to defeat them:

Photo by Lacie Slezak on Unsplash

Profit Limiting Chunk Template Barrier #1

“I can’t write!”

OK. Don’t.

How to Defeat the Barrier


Profit Limiting Chunk Template Barrier #2

Not understanding the technology. This one can stop you in your tracks.

Which can lead you to create an excuse that sounds really good. But it’s still an excuse.



Jeff the Content Profit Coach

Create online content & covert it into profitable digital products with my exclusive Content Profit System => No Experience Necessary