3 Reasons I Hate SEO and You Should too!

Miss Victoria
Published in
4 min readOct 17, 2022

SEO, Search Engine Optimization: using the organization of proper terms and popular trends to rank higher in a search engine’s results page.

Sounds easy and like a good thing, right?

Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

Well, from a business sense, you are right. It takes otherwise buried small businesses and aspiring creators and allows them to be visible to everyone in trending categories. Making some dreams come true and aspirations appear attainable. So how can I hate something that seems so beneficial for creators?

Well, I am going to tell you.

It has created an unfair advantage to Quantity OVER Quality

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

With anything, you must have enough content to keep people interested. But how much is enough to get the SEO to rank you high enough to attract more viewers?

After reviewing many articles regarding the “100 followers” or “gaining more views,” they recommend writing EVERY SINGLE DAY! How manageable is that?!

For those who don’t have full-time jobs, maybe. But what about those of us who work full time, aspiring to write quality pieces but requiring more time to research and write them? Are we just supposed to stop because we will never attain the same readership as someone who writes quantity pieces that the SEO loves?

Forever banished to the back of the publications and bottom of google searches? I cannot accept that, and neither should you! Bringing me to my next point.

Originality and Creativity are NOT rewarded

Photo by Mulyadi on Unsplash

Unfortunately, SEO has created a “sheep” mentality among writers. Virality is the goal but at what cost?

In today's world, the cost is our INDIVIDUALITY.

Everyone is searching for that quick-fix article that will turn their whole life around, but most of those “sheep” articles follow the pattern of “Follow me, and you will get the answer next time.” What works for “Jackie-Writes-A-lot” doesn’t necessarily work for everyone. However, SEO encourages this behavior, so you will come across the same titles and types of articles, leaving most readers unsatisfied and still searching for answers.

It saddens me that I even need to spend time writing quantity pieces to place in the rankings. While it is a necessary part of being a writer here on medium, I feel I have less time to spend on articles that could help people.

It enhances the rate of writer BURNOUT

Photo by Ryan Snaadt on Unsplash

With the requirements of quantity, the rate of burnout or dissatisfaction with one's work has become an epidemic, not for content writing those pieces and cashing in the check like a job at the Quick Mart but for those who write to inspire and invoke feeling in others.

Having to fight tooth and nail passed all of the “20 ways you can..,” or “Lose 20 pounds in 3 days” is just plain EXHAUSTING. It can cause a good writer to burn out and never recover.

When I began to write, it took me a long time to figure out what I had to offer the written word. Asking myself daily what I wanted to use my voice to say. Then finding out how to make my reality happen felt like climbing Everest. An impossible task with impossible odds.

So why and how did I even start? Well, I embraced my burnout! I did not start publishing until I felt revived, taking just one small step at a time.

Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day, But They Were Laying Bricks Every Hour — John Heywood

Regardless of the odds, I was not born with the ability to submit. As I tell my family members, “Unfortunately, those features do not come with the model you purchased.”

Everest was climbed one step at a time, and Rome was built brick by brick. I am building a page of perspective-based articles, hopefully helping and inspiring readers to change their views on basic realities.

I appreciate everyone who supports me by following, reading, clapping, and commenting on my articles!

I say screw the SEO. Let’s fill Medium with RICH and available content for ALL!

Author Self Portrait



Miss Victoria

Just a woman here to give you my perspective on reality!